fast dry methods


hi guys got my first plant down and a little on the eager side for a tester whats the best and fastest way to dry a bit for a little tester im sending the rest down the proper dry n cure route just fancied trying the goods
I made a bud dryer that makes it smokeable in 3 days.

It's basicly a tote, holes up top one end, exhaust pc fan bottom other end, and a screen to lay the buds on.


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We were having a bad weed drought by the time our harvest came about so there was a lot of bud getting fast dried around here, we were picking it off the drying line and drying it out a joint at a time. Best way I found was folding the bud up in a brown paper bag or brown envelope, broken up a bit, and sitting it on the 600w ballast for 10 minutes at a time until dry. You have to take it out and shake it about a bit and let it cool down every ten minutes before you put it back so it doesn't frazzle. Found that worked better than in the oven, but I would never have dared have my oven on high anyway.

It isn't a nice way to smoke your weed though, it's harsh and doesn't taste great and I guarantee it'll be an anticlimax after all the work you've put in, but sometimes it has to be done :peace:
Similar to @Cannacat I use a warm appliance, in this case my cable box gets pretty warm to the touch, so I use it. I find the stem to be the main water retainer, pulling that out will help a lot as well as exposing surface area by breaking up the bud. I won't expose bud to anything over 100f or so, it just wastes the bud IMO.

For the future if you get a vape you can test the product much sooner, as you don't need the veg material to dry much, you're really just collecting the "live resin" right off the flower ;) I use a cheap ($50) flame powered pipe vape for testing, called a VaporGenie

vg classic.jpg
hi guys got my first plant down and a little on the eager side for a tester whats the best and fastest way to dry a bit for a little tester im sending the rest down the proper dry n cure route just fancied trying the goods

There is no quick dry method. Hang your shit up like everyone else and wait 3 weeks. 1 week to dry and 2 in jars.
thanks guys i guess i just have to be patient took down friday so hopefully still a way to go :( am sick sat here smoking dirtweed when my first plant ever grown by me is smelling like the best thing i ever smelled in my entire life i know the wait will be worth it just thought even rush drying cant be as bad as the shit i got off my street dealer lol but i know ur right patience is something that at 30 yrs old i struggle to posses
some really great ideas on this thread tho may sample doing a tote with pc fans as i have one spare idea looks awesome any tips @Dalek Supreme ill just try a small one does it have to be plastic would a shoe box do the same job on smaller scale ?? im gonna chuck a cpl of buds in see the results
some really great ideas on this thread tho may sample doing a tote with pc fans as i have one spare idea looks awesome any tips @Dalek Supreme ill just try a small one does it have to be plastic would a shoe box do the same job on smaller scale ?? im gonna chuck a cpl of buds in see the results

take 3 grams of fresh weed and simmer it in 3 tbps of butter or oil. After an hour eat all of it. You'll be baked for a good 5 hours + if that's what u want. Minimal loss of bud and helps you get high until ur shit is dry
the best way i found on the net that works really well is this :)

Turn your toaster oven onto bake on the lowest setting it has. Take your herb and cut it up small Then take the tray you would use to say, toast peanuts and put the cut up herb onto the tray. Next place the tray ON TOP of the toaster oven NOT inside it! Turn the pieces of herb over every 5 minutes or so. This typically takes a good 20-30 minutes but is well worth the wait. The high is great, the trichomes remain intact and the smoke is semi-smooth. I like it and it works pretty well

never going to be as good as letting it dry for a few days in a 25c room with good airflow ( quick way to dry buds in 3-4 days)