HeyDude aka 'Hayduke' posts- "...it is a favorite bill of Republican leadership in the executive branch and the Senate. It has support from LARA (my best guess) and PAAM. Now hear this clearly: This bill is meant to run parallel to the MMMA, not in place of, as Senate Majority Leader Richardsville pointed out over and over today. It is also necessary to have the Federal Govt change their name of mmj to Schedule 2. Then it could be sold in pharmacies only. They intend to test test test, and label label label.
Truthfully in my mind the real threat from this bill is a bit down the road if a bunch of conditions come to pass…. then they potentially could eliminate the MMMA and culitivation. But the precedent is real and all you need do is look around the country to see that is the case.
There were a couple contentious witnesses that really would be well served to quit their diatribe about 2/3rds the way through. Mental games and calliing out Senators does not win friends or influence. The other thing that was disappointing was the number of people who ranted off topic until Sen Richardsville had to shut them down.
For the record, CPU did not speak, but we did post our objection to this bill on the record….."