"fast intro bill" advocates taking to capitol steps today!

Yep. It goes to the House. There is better opportunity to work with the people there. They are generally considered more aligned with our agenda. Please guys. If everyone were to help waste an hour of legislative staff or elected representative contact, and/or writtten communication, now is the time.
The bill offers NO benefit for caregivers or patients. Cornering the market on corn and tomatoes won't make them better, or in this case, cheaper. I think that before they insist that only tested product be avzailable, that they need ther feet put to the fire to explain allll the harm we have seen without that..
Glad no one is stunned about this. A few of us said this shit was coming now maybe you will believe. They want the money machine to work overtime! :finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
That or get up and stay up on your hind feet. Your call.
Doesn't matter what I do they already have the agenda planned out for all of this and besides seems we as a community cant seem to all come together at once everybody has there own agenda and for most its money for me its a family thing and to see what I can accomplish with this miraculous plant, so until we all are on the same page to fight whats about to go down, there is not much as an individual that I already haven't done within my little community.
Sucks for you guys... we're fighting our own battles in Washington....

If any of you know of a Michigan forum sight please enlighten me (other than RIU), if you're serious about making shit happen vote them bastards out!!
Sucks for you guys... we're fighting our own battles in Washington....

If any of you know of a Michigan forum sight please enlighten me (other than RIU), if you're serious about making shit happen vote them bastards out!!

Check out 3MG A lot of rational and intelligent, past and present, RIU members hang there as well.
Man do I hate lawfare period :( Justice is exactly what you can afford in this country and I see no end in sight. Any ideas?

SEEDPAC. Like gypsy said (before he got tossed in a third world jail)
"it all starts with a seed" or in this case I guess a elite clone or two.
if their would of been a little notice i could of gotten down their suited and booted. I'm no lawyer but i can get as clean cut as a preacher and I'm even more honest and passionate about this. I've lost a patient already to her terminal illness and i would love to go show these guys some pics so they can see the look on a 19 year old girls face when she is actually happy even tho death is only days away.

this shit is no big deal as long as it doesn't crowd out the mmmp. obviously the precedent has been set elsewhere but i think we might have a bit of a precedent here. he said several times that this program was supposed to run in conjunction with the mmmp, can we hold them to that being it was said during a judiciary meeting?

either way you say its gotta go before the house? forgive my ignorance but does this mean house like on a national level? like before congress? or is it in lansing?
Condolences brother. We need total Decrim in our opinion. We have to take the power away from these parasites.

It will be the house in Lansing.
thank you. date and time this house meeting is taking place? we should get a live group or chat or Skype or whatever going to work together on info to present. id shell out a 100 bucks or so for kinkos so we can get some cool visual aids. those seem to do the trick when people only hear what they want to.

i wonder if we presented it like this how it would go.

Keep MMMP as it is. caregivers and patients allowed to deal with each other. caregivers only ones allowed to grow for the medical community.

full decrim on the other side so prairie plant can see there ends too. with full decrim the demand would sky rocket outside the MMMP. caregivers cant sell to non MMMP holders.

would keep things the same sorta but make it so they still benefit as well?
…. no i don't think thats it. that meeting notice is dated oct. 9th. did we just call this new one?