Fastest way to destroy crops.


Active Member
Hi, usually grow indoor, i was wondering, what would be the fastest way one can destroy an entire crop [indoor]. (as a contingency plan :) )

was thinking maybe rebuilding my grow room to act live a microwave oven, but this would not destroy everything perfectly.

Am open for any suggestions.

and no.. having a bunch of goats closed inside is not an option.. because of smell and maintenance :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what timescaled destruction are you looking for?

are we talking *ding dong* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK manically chopping em up and ramming the bastartds down the toilet, or the ability to go make a bonfire?


Well-Known Member
If you can't take the time, don't do the crime.... Shit is hilarious... I would be thinking more towards a bag it up and get it out method........
lol... this IS gonna get good... There was a guy where I am from, that actually had a pit dug somewhere close, and dumped his grow room in there, and buried it. lmao...


Active Member
I had cops knocking on my front door and I was in the backyard tossing fully flowering nice ass plants over my back fence into the fucking blackberry bushes. By the time they got in and found my room, like 19 out of 40 plants remained and I got off scott free.


Well-Known Member
If you are worried about the cops, then you arent just growing weed.. Stop dealing, being a junkie, or running a child prositution ring, and then you wont NEED to destroy your crop.. Sometimes the police are cool about growing for personal use, and will just take your shit and leave..

New Member
I'd build catapult on my roof...if the fed are comin' in than you cant flush any large quantity, burning it wont help but if you could launch a bag w/ a few lbs a few hundred yards...maybe even but a helium system in it that inflates a balloon and the evidence flys/ floats away...ha ha if there wasn't a copter on you you might get away with it.


Active Member
just have a acid setup on top of ur plants and when the copz come u press the button it will release the acid and it will eat up ur plants like spidermites times 1000000000000000000000000 lmao
grow in a room that has a window next to the neighbors yard then when your doorbell rings run in open the window and chuck them into your neighbors property


Active Member
I was thinking about this the other day. The movie Conspiracy theory, Mel Gibsons character has his apartment setup to burn without spreading to the other apartments. I was thinking if you had a smaller system like this setup, in say an airtight container you could get it to burn everything up without escaping. Of course the heat required would be very high, so you would need high gauge metal and redundant ducting that cuts off the air supply after a few seconds.

anyway, its a good movie.