fastest way to grow

Dr. Huxley

Active Member
whats the fastest way to grow from seed to finish. i'm not really worried about quantity, im just messing around right now. It will probably be a basic setup in my closet with some damn good bag seed. Thankx guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
depending how many plants. id go 250 or 400hps, to start. or even flos what ever you like, what are you planning to grow?. and what space do you have. or in what are you planning to grow in?. it all depends.


Active Member
"Damn good bag seed" is almost an oxy-moron. Bag seed is the most unreliable way to start. Bag seed rarely turns out to be the good bud that it might have come in. Also, hermaphrodites!
But what are the dimensions of your space, and how much money can you put out.


New Member
Yep, fastest way from seed to harvest is fast, reliable genetics. The fastest I've grown is 55 days seed to finish, and small.


Active Member
ccodaine was that on contant 12/12 with the right everything humidity light temp air flow and nutes also what eas the yield from that how many plants and what was the smallest and the largest just mega curious


New Member
Pretty much. Outdoor Hawaii in winter. Cute little buds, just like a lollypop, a fat lollypop. I think they were about 5-8 grams a plant. Probably could have gone another week or 10 days but spot was compromised and had put practically zero effort into it.


Well-Known Member
Agreed about the good seeds. However, bagseed is the way to go on your first grow. Unless you have more money than since, do not waste your money on getting quality seeds. If you are setting your expectations on quality and quantity on your first grow, you are not going into this with the right mind-set, patience is a must. The first thing you need to learn is how to grow the plant, then quality/quantity. You will have some die, do you want to kill a plant you spent good money on or do you want to kill a plant you grew from a bag you bought?


New Member
From personal experience, I grew a lot of bagseed with an inferior final product for years. I always was wondering what I could do better to grow better buds. It wasn't until I found my first keeper that I realized you can grow a shitty strain excellently and get shitty buds, or you can grow an excellent strain shittily and get excellent buds. Better to have the good genetics for a hundred bucks and know that you have one more thing going in your favor.


Well-Known Member
i started with bag seed. nothin wrong with it. if you mess up, no big deal. mess up on some buckfiddy strain from dj short and you might be pissed. plus learning with bagseed is a great way to get some smoke, and learn a lot in the process.


Well-Known Member
now im growing mandala strains in 20 gal dwc setup. couldnt be happier, each plant gets over a lb. dry bud when finished. i use scrog and fim techniques. but mandala seeds play a huge role in the final product. the seeds are cheap too. highly recommended


Well-Known Member
now im growing mandala strains in 20 gal dwc setup. couldnt be happier, each plant gets over a lb. dry bud when finished. i use scrog and fim techniques. but mandala seeds play a huge role in the final product. the seeds are cheap too. highly recommended
I was going to go Mandala for my grow.
Thinking probably speedqueen and satori.


Just some idiot
whats the fastest way to grow from seed to finish. i'm not really worried about quantity, im just messing around right now. It will probably be a basic setup in my closet with some damn good bag seed. Thankx guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fastest way to grow is hydro....take a five gallon bucket drill a 3 inch hole in the lid, insert three inch net pot in hole. put about 3.5 to 4 gallons of water in the bucket add an airstone and some nutes....and you have what is called DWC hydro


Well-Known Member
ive grown both speed queen and satori. SQ is more of a indica buzz. satori is more cerebral and a bigger yielder. you wont be disappointed with either strain. hashberry and satori are their top 10 strains though.


Well-Known Member
technically the "fastest" is aeroponics. but a lot of factors are involved here. adequate lighting, proper nutrient, plant genetics, and climate play a huge role in the expediency of plant growth. you can have the best genes and grow like a slug or the worst genes and grow like a pro. also, with the advanced techniques, hydro, aero, and all that they encompass, there's not really much of a difference. hydro is easiest of the new tech's and soil is slower, but great for beginners