Fastest way to root cuttings?

You should've bought 'rooting gel' or powder and when you clip the clone, you wet the bottom quarter inch or so in ice cold water then dip it in the powder then into the soil and put it under 24 hour light and within a week you'll have insane rooting.


Well-Known Member
Check out Youtube. There are many videos about cloning. I don't know about cloning machines, but by hand is best, using rock wool cubes of 1.5" square. Use a sterile razor blade, cut clone candidate that has a couple of leaves on it and place stem in cup of water. Trim ends off of leaves, just about a third of the leaf, leaving 2/3's remaining. take cutting and make a clean 45 degree angle cut on bottom of stem. place stem in rooting gel and then place in rock wool cube and press medium in on stem gently. (The rock wool should have been soaked in 5.5 PH water for about 20 minutes before using.) Mist leaves and rock wool and place in a 10 x 20" propagator with a dome lid and place under flouro lights. Keep moist and under lights. Usually within about 10 days you'll see root tips emerging from rock wool. Simply plant the cube, or transfer to a larger cube or your water media.