Lol a lot of what i read in this thread is about women either being fat or bony and that's wrong. There is a nice middle ground without cottage cottage cheese g/f is 5'5 105lbs and we suffer no spine or elbow poking problems. She just eats healthy and goes and works out.
"accept me how i am i won't put my fingers down my throat" is code for i like to eat what i want and never work out. I think as soon as you take that position of shit being how It is, it is easier than taking ownership of an issue and solving it. and the part in OP's sig about women not being here to please us....umm, i dunno what kind of fucked up relationships you have, but that is kind of the idea. I am here to do everythign I can to please my other, as she does me. that way we are both always happy and looked after. i thought that was the whole idea, but hey what do i know.
Also, there is a difference between curves and rolls. Just sayin.
This is coming from somebody that lost +60 lbs through a bit of cardio, and replacing shitty foods with shit from whole foods.