Fat Ass British People


Well-Known Member

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You fat asses ruined a serious conversation with "yo momma" jokes. This thread had nothing to do with anyone's mother.
Actually it does. Majorly. A lot of fat kids these days are what they are because of retarded parenting. Fat kids often become fat people due to being brought up enjoying such levels of food.

While obesity certainly is rising, i always wonder as the the accuracy of figures like we have seen, and also the manner in which "obese" is worked out. I see VERY very few people around town and in the shops who i would call obese, but i'm willing to bet that they would be catagorized as so by some system in place somewhere. In the same way by systems in place, i am catagorized as underweight, as if it is because i do not eat enough. I'm 6'2", weigh i think just over 10 stone, so maybe 65kg, and eat like an absolute pig, i cannot put on weight no matter how hard i try, yet i'm underweight and am told by many that i need to eat more. A girl at work, the only person in 20 employees who would be considered overweight, she has a normal diet, and performs ridiculous amounts of hardcore excersize and is in reality, the fittest of the lot, as the old excuse goes, she is simply big boned, ut no, she'd be considered obese and overweight as if she was actively doing it to herself.


Well-Known Member
This may be true, but the mannner in which the earlier posters were referencing a child's obesity as being a possible result of the parent's obesity was extremely immature.