Fat Chicks WTF

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Active Member
I guess I will put my 2 cents in on this one. I hate it when bigger chics flaunt their boobs and talk about how hot they are! Yes, there are a lot of bigger girls that are pretty but just because you have big boobs does NOT make you hot! I know lots of girls that act that way. I have an inlaw that is hideous looking but she always wears skin tight shirts with like 3 inches of cleavage hanging out and she struts around like she is hot stuff! I would love to tell her that big boobs does not equal hot. Usually the biggers the boobs means the bigger the gut unless you have implants or just have excellent genetics!


Active Member
lol fat grrls need lovin' too...ur right about tha boob thing mary, fat chics with cute faces and big tits always think they're the shit - the fatter the louder...like guys only see from the chest-up...


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to chime in and say this thread is gold! There is tons I would like to say, but I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings too bad, so I'll keep to myself. I will say I don't like chicks who are overweight. I have high standards for myself and think it perfectly reasonable to associate with people who hold themselves to similar standards.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
While everyone is entitled to their preferences,there is NO reason to treat others badly because they don't fit your personal tastes.:peace:


Active Member
Yes, that is me in the avatar. As you can see, i do not have big boobs to flaunt! Maybe I should gain 50 pounds cuz you know, boobs are really just fat!


Well-Known Member
I guess I will put my 2 cents in on this one. I hate it when bigger chics flaunt their boobs and talk about how hot they are! Yes, there are a lot of bigger girls that are pretty but just because you have big boobs does NOT make you hot! I know lots of girls that act that way. I have an inlaw that is hideous looking but she always wears skin tight shirts with like 3 inches of cleavage hanging out and she struts around like she is hot stuff! I would love to tell her that big boobs does not equal hot. Usually the biggers the boobs means the bigger the gut unless you have implants or just have excellent genetics!
other girls may not think they're hot...but it gets a guys attention :) im a big girl...and i dont have HUGE boobs, but they're decent. i think a lot of bigger girls show their cleavage more than slimmer girls, because we want attention from guys, and the rest of our body isnt going to get that attention...lol. we use our boobs as a way to compete with your slim waist when trying getting a dude's attention :mrgreen: lol or at least i do anyway...i dont know about all the other big girls...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Do you know how many good looking chicks there would be if they stopped eating like fucking slobs..........................I see these fat chicks at clubs and shit and you can tell they spent time on make up, hair ect............and think to myself wow if you spent that much time at the gym than dudes would want you....they spend hours on there hair and clothes and it dosent mean a damm thing you are still fat and disgusting and thats why guys don't want you. I'm at work the other day eating lunch and this fat chick (about 230lbs) tells another female coworker "I don't know how you are so skinny" You must not eat anything" and by no means is this girl skinny prob 130ish maybe more....and this fat chick eats her lunch and then goes to the vending machine and gets some powdered donuts and a mountain dew......WTF................think about all those fat chicks with pretty faces.........think how many pretty woman would be out there if half of them wernt fat bodies, were not asking for much just a normal human female (not boney model types)
You know all people have a different metabolism, what's your flaw?


Well-Known Member
Yes, that is me in the avatar. As you can see, i do not have big boobs to flaunt! Maybe I should gain 50 pounds cuz you know, boobs are really just fat!
those lace boyshorts are REALLY freakin cute lol. sorry if thats a weirdo comment...haha. i like the boyshorts...i think they look great on everyone :D

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i love tits of all sizes i really dont have a preference it seems sometimes im attracted to big breasted women and other times small breasted women and of course sometimes anything in between. tits are just cool in general all types and sizes. i unfortunately dont get to be in there presence as often as i would like sadly. im married to my bike i ride her all day and she gives me no crap. well you either laugh or cry lol.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
it simply depends on body type and such some girls look best with some weight and others look best when there lean it really varies quite a bit from individual to individual. look at hollywood some girls look great then they get too skinny and look like crap. its almost like you can see mental and physical health with unconscious instinct..... sometimes anyway.
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