Fat Chicks WTF

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Well-Known Member
First, I have not read this entire thread.... Second, I am def over weight.... That being said, we as a people eat too much. The portions we eat now are almost twice as much as we did even 30 years ago. We eat too many calories and don't do enough stuff to burn it off. And I do not feel bad for anyone who says they cant loose the weight as they eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.. ( For those who dont know what that, its most likely one the best tasting, but worst for you ice creams in the world).

I also think it is wrong for anyone who is over weight to be offended by someone who wont date or have sex with them or whatever... The most important thing about a relationship is that you are attracted to the person you are with.. That includes personality and LOOKS... You want people to except you for who you are but then dont except other people to who except you because of their own personal tastes... I have a GF who is slightly over weight too. I find that attractive. I find bigger ( not obese or anything, but a few extra pounds) women to be more attractive than skinny women. Thats my personal tastes...

I would say 90% of people who are over weight could do something about it if they were not so lazy. I easily could if I just stopped drinking beer, eating fatty foods and took a mile walk every day.. Not every fat chick can have a thyroid problem...

Point of all this is this: If you are fat and dont like it, then do something about it. If you dont like fat people, then dont look at them...

Dirty Dog

P.S. I cant believe I didnt swear.. Go me...:hump:
omg...one of my buddies will sit and eat a pint of ben and jerry's lol. i used to be able to eat like that when i was younger...anytime i eat any sort of sweets or junk now i can only eat the smallest portions...i get full so quickly, and i usually feel like crap after...lol. but i can pinpoint the exact times in my life i've put on weight. and its all related to medication with the exception of puberty. im hoping eventually i can go off all my meds and hopefully lose my medication weight, but its not too bad, so for the time being...im good :) and i totally agree that overweight people shouldnt be offended if someone isnt attracted to them. everyone has personal preference with attraction...and congrats on a whole post without swearing!!! lol :hump:


New Member
Wow whoever said Europeans are not overweight must be a real genius. Or a fucktard I can't decide which. Our friends in England are right on our asses for weight gain, they love their shitty food. Besides, fat people aren't always unhealthy either, it's usually the self absorbed skinny fags with Hypoglycemia and shit. The best is the people who can't stop talking shit on fat people but if a Minority has an issue they r the first ones to talk about profiling and compassion. I guess abuse of others is ok as long as ur not branded a racist/sexist, (insert other media buzz word). Fat people are still fair game. Sad and sadder


New Member
Also if anyone is that revolted by the physical appearance of someone with some extra weight on, u probably need some sort of medication. Simply the sight of another human being shouldn't really make u feel like hurting them nor should you get frustrated or upset. Thats something a doctor should probably go through with you. Or you could just continue pretending to be happy and not take your frustrations out on easy targets. Just a thought. It's sort of obvious that insecurities play a major role in hatred of others.


New Member
This Thread Is Getting Rather Large. Nowhere Near Biggest Thread In RIU History. Which Is A 20th The Size Of Toke n Talk.


Well-Known Member
Demeaning someone is serious.He could have made his point without the fatty comment.


I got your back, girl.

Whoever he is,he didn't need to bring another person low to make his point.I'd call him an insensitive prick, but it's against the rules.
...And we wouldn't want to break the rules!

Well If You Want To Call Him An Insensitive Prick And Your Posting That The Your Really No Better Than Him Dont You Think?


He made it pretty clear that he was better than most...future despot.



New Member
I Don't Think He Was Being Sarcastic By Saying If There Wasnt A Rule Against Insults That He Would Call Him An Insensitive Prick. Just My Thought.
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