Fat Purple - Grow On! Thread.

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I'm PISSED! I'm going to put another thread up for this too I'm so pissed! Ironlabs, and/or their rep is a liar. straight up. I don't question their testing or results I do however question their customer services and business practices. MN is the dispens place I get my stuff tested thru. They are good guys and friends. They joined up with ironlabs and are members and when they joined the guy told them the lab would pick up samples at the store on tuesdays for testing. this is the second time that the guy told MN that one sample isnt enough for him to get his ass up and come get the sample. What a dick-it's your job man; do it! I know people are going to say "oh gee they service the whole state and it's only one sample and blah blah" but if the guy says he will collect samples on tuesdays on a golden chariot I'm not unreasonable to expect that. That was his end of the bargain he made-calling and sayin 1 sample isn't worth my time and gas is bullshit business practices. I take a loss all the time to see customers potential and otherwise to keep them happy and do as I said I would do. I expect the same. If you are going to cover a whole state do NOT tell every member that you will drive to their place and get the sample(s) idiot! So in short the fat purple sample I attempted to submit for testing that SHOULD be posted today for everyone to see will be posted whenever the fuck johny dickface decides its worth his time to do his job. I'd have gone with cannalytics if this prick didn't say he did pick up-they are cheaper and I can drive the samples in whenever; they lost the business because they didn't lie and tell me that they would come and get my samples on fairy wings on tuesdays.
Agree: the customer is always right, and in this case you really are right! I test on the spot! hehe. It's either ragweed, okay, not bad, pretty damn good, or bad ass weed Man.
I hate to be "That asshole!" but when I called Iron and they told me I have to join with a yearly membership and then pay per sample (Im sure every place is like that) I said forget it. Money hungry just like every other fucktard trying to jump in just like the doctors! Worthless pieces of shit!
Ps. I'm with Marty. Some wanna be scientist can tell me my bud has 1-30% thc all day long. I'll smoke it and know if it's good or bad. I guess the only reason I'd need a score sheet is if I was running big overages to a dispensary and they required it.
I like to test my samples at different harvest times and see the results. I do run overages to places and if you're a customer buying from an unknown it's very valuable info cuz the skunky shit might be bunk and the bunk looking shit might be skunk you can't judge a book and all that. I'm trying to be as professional and legit as possible and it's pretty fucking hard to find others in this industry that are too. Lots of lab coats with stoner fools in them. I want the outside world to see I'm, not just some hippy growing pot to get baked out. Testing told me I had a 10:10 CBD/THC strain. invaluable info, so invaluable that aparently they can't assign a value to it that is great enough to actually test it! Even if it was a smoke test I still sit here 50 bucks lighter and 1 gram less in my bag waiting.....
I like to test my samples at different harvest times and see the results. I do run overages to places and if you're a customer buying from an unknown it's very valuable info cuz the skunky shit might be bunk and the bunk looking shit might be skunk you can't judge a book and all that. I'm trying to be as professional and legit as possible and it's pretty fucking hard to find others in this industry that are too. Lots of lab coats with stoner fools in them. I want the outside world to see I'm, not just some hippy growing pot to get baked out. Testing told me I had a 10:10 CBD/THC strain. invaluable info, so invaluable that aparently they can't assign a value to it that is great enough to actually test it! Even if it was a smoke test I still sit here 50 bucks lighter and 1 gram less in my bag waiting.....
That's what I'm saying. I guess I just couldn't trust some company that has not been known for successful testing of this type. I worked at a hospital and was able to see there gas spectrometer machine they used for various tissue testing. I have read that gas is not the best for testing THC but liqiud is better and more reliable. I could be wrong as I am not a scientist nor have I studied this field at all.
I was told by someone that most facilities are not capable of. Performing an accurate test, the lab equipment. Costs a. Ridiculous amount of money to do accurate testing.

I should add he said he sent samples from same cola n got pretty different. Results..believe one facility. Was ironlabs.
I'm from the Metro Detroit area. If someone told me my stuff was from someone called "Devil's Harvest", I'd probably think, Okay.
nope its still alive here. i just dont have a cam. i got one at 6 weeks flower today i think. and a few in the veg tent. if i can remember to bug my buddy he may remember his cam next time he comes by. see if i cant get something up.
My fat purple 16 days in flower stretching for the stars looking very good will post some pics very soon
I fucking left the door open last night to my bloom. Get's an extra 3 hours of light that way. Oops. Fell asleep. Only been less than a week; so should be alright. Otherwise mine were looking real healthy yesterday afternoon. lol
I was very very close to the same thing. I threw my back out yesterday morning. Was in terrible pain all day.
Didn't think of my door till 8:45. I closed it and turned the timer to 8:45 for lights on.
Once they come on and I open the room, I'm going to the hospital.
I did it very first thing in the morning. Lifting a 5 gallon bucket of water and turning around simultaneously. I dropped to the ground for a good 10 minutes. I was having trouble breathing like it knocked the wind out of me.
I've had a shortness of breathe since it happened. I keep stretching hoping it'll go back into place like it is supposed to, but it's not right. The pain is pretty hard to endure. I had a few drinks of Jack Daniels.
I couldn't go to the hospital cuz belle was gone. I will be heading out shortly though.
I was very very close to the same thing. I threw my back out yesterday morning. Was in terrible pain all day.
Didn't think of my door till 8:45. I closed it and turned the timer to 8:45 for lights on.
Once they come on and I open the room, I'm going to the hospital.
hope you feel better. thank you so much for helping oldest with his crop. take care
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