Fattest cigarillo?

ok Noob question.
I've never had or made a blunt. Would this be something that would be smoked non stop? LIke laying out in the back yard in the hammoc for an hour smoking it or would you smoke that over a day type thing?

JUst curious.
i roll dutch masters all day.... hard to get a good blunt with less than a gram and a half...
U can fit more into a wrap than a cigarillo but I prefer a rillo. A blunt slash wrap is prolly gonna last u at the most twenty from strt to finish ifffff its rolled decent. So maybe three blunts and a hammock is what ur looking for. Hoooowever first blunt sould do the trick lol
ok Noob question.
I've never had or made a blunt. Would this be something that would be smoked non stop? LIke laying out in the back yard in the hammoc for an hour smoking it or would you smoke that over a day type thing?

JUst curious.

Takes me like 10-20 minutes to smoke a blunt casually.
If you want a good blunt or cigarillo do not get that flavored stuff will ruin the taste of the weed to me. Go for a white owl green, or a garcia vega, Now if you want a blunt to last forever I try a blackjack they burn super slow taste not the greatest though.