Fav beer? Cast Your Vote


Well-Known Member
And to edit what I just said...

By the morning, your body will have digested the alcohol, so taking tylenol with your breakfast, is still irrelevant.


Active Member
Keystone Ice. Am I the only one ITT that can be honest on the internet?

that shit is not beer
any other beer that's cheap from any other country is better than that "beer"

im sorry but the taste is a disgrace to every beer in this world.
most thirld world countries make beer waaay better than keystone
god even bolivia has good cheap beer


Well-Known Member
been drinking some different beers recently, quilmes (argentina) cusquena (peru) and cant beleive nobody has mentioned my favourite!! Peroni (italy)

do you guys in the US get Peroni?

Matt Rize

been drinking some different beers recently, quilmes (argentina) cusquena (peru) and cant beleive nobody has mentioned my favourite!! Peroni (italy)

do you guys in the US get Peroni?
yes, but compared to our international award winning local micro brews it is considered commercial, schwag.

do a search on pliny the younger. serious brew


Well-Known Member
yes, but compared to our international award winning local micro brews it is considered commercial, schwag.

do a search on pliny the younger. serious brew
yes but we also have award winning micro breweries in the UK such as BrewDog . . .

i dont think you can class european commercial beers as 'schwag' as you can americas commercial beers......

ive drank many american commercial beers and they all taste the same. . . which is 'watery'

although Leffe is also now commercial yet it has very good quality!! (belgian abbey brew)

Matt Rize

yes but we also have award winning micro breweries in the UK such as BrewDog . . .

i dont think you can class european commercial beers as 'schwag' as you can americas commercial beers......

ive drank many american commercial beers and they all taste the same. . . which is 'watery'

although Leffe is also now commercial yet it has very good quality!! (belgian abbey brew)
agreed. second favorite: death and taxes. BOMB porter.


Well-Known Member
yuuuck.. ;)

sorry everyone.. I just never acquired the taste palates for beer. I don't like bitter things... especially beer.

its a positive thing though if you ask me.. at least this way I know my kidneys and liver are in good shape.

I don't even drink liquor.. but I like liquor much better than I do beer... so if I'm going to be drinking, I would much rather have some

liquor than beer.

just my 2 cents.. ;)



Well-Known Member
la salva vida

what are some similarities between american beer and sex in a canoe?

they're both fucking close to water.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I think tonight is going to be a Tecate/indica dominant night. I'm craving some Mexican beer with a little lime and bowl of quality weed. ;)
Hands down my winner is anything from Flying Dog Brewery. Obviously I love them because of the gonzo inspired art by Ralph Steadman, but they make some great brew.


Well-Known Member
Went back to my roots with some old school PBR tonight.

Sucks the Sharks lost tonight. Best game of the season by far though.