Fav/least fav House hold chores...

i dont touch laundry. right now im laid off i try and get most everything else done...

did i mention i dont touch laundy? if it folded itself it would probly be my favorite. ill do the socks and throw them in a big bin
i fucking HATE picking up before the actual cleaning or vacuuming. i don't mind the actual washing of things, i just hate the fucking prep work. i actually enjoy cleaning the bathroom the most. i love having a nice clean toilet, tub and sink and it's the least work of them all.
My wife is Mexican. Different kind than most though. She's French Aztec, not Spanish Aztec. Her family is from an area settled by French settlers not Spanish like most are known for.
Southwestern Mexico, blonde haired, blue eyed, ravishing tan? I've known a couple of Mexicans from the Southwestern coastal region that are very blonde. Mine's the classic Spanish Aztec, with that dash of Apache that makes most people think she's Mediterranean or middle Eastern. (You can only see the Irish influence in her temper...)

I'm not being sexist or anything... she just literally loves to cook and clean. So I let her. I do the household repairs and the fucking. :-P

I have a hard time trusting anyone to cook for me. I'm not nearly as nice in real life!

Sunni, I agree with ya! And, it's funny, with my ex-wife, she was a "stay-at-home mom" ... But, I had to hire a nanny/cleaner so my child was taken care of when I was gone, and the place was clean. Turns out her description of "stay at home mom" included running around, smokin' meth and getting knocked up. LoL.

Now, I wish I could give my lady the opportunity to stay at home, or shop, or whatever, while I was out working! So would she... Call it a goal in life.
Mine has been weening me, I now know how she likes the dishes done, and since I cant meet her standard for other tasks, my hands are tied.

Lol, she asked me to do the dishes a couple times during the pregnancy. Then scolded me for doing a shitty job. Then never asked again. To be fair I did cook dinner acouple times during and directly after the pregnancy because putting a shoulder roast in a crockpot is fairly simple stuff.
Southwestern Mexico, blonde haired, blue eyed, ravishing tan? I've known a couple of Mexicans from the Southwestern coastal region that are very blonde. Mine's the classic Spanish Aztec, with that dash of Apache that makes most people think she's Mediterranean or middle Eastern. (You can only see the Irish influence in her temper...)

She has dark hair and eyes. Looks Indian. Pic. ~~~> https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/42351-picture-yourself-thread-1254.html#post8647600

I can understand the Irish temper, my mother's half Irish and I'm kind of a rageaholic.:-)
it's really weird---i do not mind any chore-i never really had a house until i was 55 or so. i love having a home-i love cleaning. i do major cleaning twice a year. i am just so happy being a housewife at this stage if my life-but of course---having the right person to be with(my loving husband)home sweet home!
420God's wife could very well be the most beautiful woman to ever have her pic posted on RIU.
I do the laundry some cleaning and sweeping all the bbqing. I use to do all the outdoor yard work I still do some but I can't bend very well so my wife does some and her daughter's boy friend does what we can't. I don't like sweeping I can't get all the bunny's and pine needles so it looks like I didn't do anything. I started doing the laundry shortly after we got married I could never find all my sock.
They say that there is a form of dyslexia that is indicated by an inability to organize objects. I have that or at least I blame my hatred of emptying the dishwasher on that. If there are no more forks in the drawer I don't know where to put the first one and that vexes me. If there are no more beer glasses in the cupboard I don't know where to put the first one. Like with like? no problem but give me a one off pot and I havn't a clue, even after doing it year in and year out. Where do I put that clean butter dish? How about the measuring cup? there is only one of those, The whisk? All those plastic left over containers no two identical.

I try to get the dishes put away before my wife arrives home. Then, as I sit in front of the TV or computer i can hear her sorting the silverware. She won't chide me for not doing it right because I volunteered in the first place so she figures that would be nagging.

Favorite chore is cleaning up the cat litter. It's easy, I know where everything goes.
I love to cook always have
I do the mowing the wife does the weedeating
I wash all the dishes and all the clothes the wife put all the clothes away
And all the dishes been married a loooooooooooonnnnnngggggg time no complaints so far we must be doing something right...........Oh yeah almost forgot I do all the growing....!
I do all the cooking, every last bit of it. All repairs, outside shit is mine too. The garden is mine.
Wife does everything else. I will not clean or touch the laundry.

Busy house my place, wife and I have 5 kids between us. Yes 5... :wall:
She had 3 kids from previous relationship and we have 2 girls.

Well back to bed for me now that my youngest has had her bottle.