favorite 90s strains

WOW! I'll take that as a thumbs up for SOS. I just finished some of his Chocolate Thai x Mazar/Guerrero BX, and had two phenos that went 90 days.
Have you run any of the 76 Guerrero yet? I ran some once, got one female, she was extremely sensitive to nutes. My first attempt at a landrace sativa. I basically fried her at an EC of 0.6 in coco. Will run her again, and hope to do much better.

No, I still have most all of those seeds in the fridge. Ive really got more seeds than I know what to do with, and have more on the way.
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Ya that makes sense, lot of people started coming around then for the "scene"...thats when they started to really get big on 97-98'...trey was probably just trying to make sense of the whole thing. I know I wouldn't be sure what to make of it, they weren't your typical Rockstars, just some cool dorkie dudes that started a college band in VT.
In August of '97 Phish played a two day concert at a decommissioned Airforce base in Limestone, Maine. I didnt go, but the whole state was flooded with $2 microdots after that concert. It was great. Amazing what goodies (and in mass quantities) followed the Dead and Phish.
Never knew what we were smoking around here in the 90s. Whatever had been shipped in from BC usually, but we didn't know what it was other than bud. Then my best friend's brother started growing and we started getting waaay better stuff. Back then most of the hype was for "hydro".
I still remember the first day of high school was my first toke. The best weed we ever got 3 of us shared a joint, didn't seem like anything special at first, then everything started to look like a mosaic. Haven't been able to find anything like it since.
I too chase the high school high. maybe there's a good strain name...after-school special
From the earliest days, Skunk strains were "it". And Columbia Gold, Panamanian Red, Hawaiian (far ahead of the rest of the USA at the time)

What happened however, being honest, is one day folks started going to Amsterdam and smuggling back buds that looked like beautiful yarn and premium seeds. Potent, pretty, delicious. Very hard to surpass except in local circles.

Bringing the seeds here from the banks, and development in the various locales (West Coast, Florida, NYC, Arizona/Texas, Midwest). Once those genetics got here and began to be grown in premium climates (i.e. California, Hawaii, Midwest), it all changed.

Competition against the brick buds (which were sometimes very potent) began and once high quality genetics proliferated across the US, the barrier to great bud -- which at the time was getting it across the border...no longer mattered. It all was grown here in the US, and we Americanized the industry into much of the good and bad we have today.
Yeah I'm on board with all of that memory wise. Sinsemilla was the exception and seeded weed was the norm. Most weed we bought didn't have a name. Every now and again you could score a satchel of modern day looking green buds but mostly it was brown and seeded. I will say this though there was a ton of hash around (Chicago late 70's anyway) which was pretty fuckin awesome. Hash oil every now and again. Those two really dropped off in terms of availability as flower really started to get better.

Then blow became the thing. Then I got married had kids (aka got old) and wasn't in the scene so much.

I'm back now though, fuckin A. :bigjoint:
In August of '97 Phish played a two day concert at a decommissioned Airforce base in Limestone, Maine. I didnt go, but the whole state was flooded with $2 microdots after that concert. It was great. Amazing what goodies (and in mass quantities) followed the Dead and Phish.

So true....Every hit of acid i ever got my hands on was from one or the other. Kaleidoscope, Human anatomy, purple jesus, white fluff, black pyramids.. and many i have forgotten. Glad i got through that phase mostly unscathed :)
Most of the genetics Europe/Amsterdam got, was from USA. Mainly Pacific North West

Been smoking since 1966. First saw seedless in 1972. Columbian Green Santa Marta Sinsemilla.
Im in Ky, and one of my older friends, older brother worked for a shipping company that went to Columbia every 2 months. Hed always bring back at least 50lbs.
The weed smelled like flowers, and tasted like hashy honeysuckle. Heavy duty Paranoid buzz for most people. Was better than Vietnam Black I smoked in 1970. Frends brother brought 5lbs of weed, and 10lbs of opium back in 71. They werent searching GIs coming back then. He wished he brought back more.

I didnt smoke any weed until 1992 that was the equal, or better than the Santa Marta. NL5/Haze x Hashplant/Sk1 was the ticket. I also had seeds of it, and grew it for 5 years, until my partner got busted, ratted me out for 1000 clones and I went to federal prison for 7 years, and then 8 years of supervised release. Lost all my genetics. Been looking now for years. No fucking way anyhting New Ive smoked has been on par with earlier weed. I also have a verified cut of Chem91skva, no s1 shit ect either..... and its for sure great weed, but is not in the same league as the NL5/Haze x HP/Sk1. No fucking way.
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Most of the genetics Europe/Amsterdam got, was from USA. Mainly Pacific North West

Been smoking since 1966. First saw seedless in 1972. Columbian Green Santa Marta Sinsemilla.
Im in Ky, and one of my older friends, older brother worked for a shipping company that went to Columbia every 2 months. Hed always bring back at least 50lbs.
The weed smelled like flowers, and tasted like hashy honeysuckle. Heavy duty Paranoid buzz for most people. Was better than Vietnam Black I smoked in 1970. Frends brother brought 5lbs of weed, and 10lbs of opium back in 71. They werent searching GIs coming back then. He wished he brought back more.

I didnt smoke any weed until 1992 that was the equal, or better than the Santa Marta. NL5/Haze x Hashplant/Sk1 was the ticket. I also had seeds of it, and grew it for 5 years, until my partner got busted, ratted me out for 1000 clones and I went to federal prison for 7 years, and then 8 years of supervised release. Lost all my genetics. Been looking now for years. No fucking way anyhting New Ive smoked has been on par with earlier weed. I also have a verified cut of Chem91skva, no s1 shit ect either..... and its for sure great weed, but is not in the same league as the NL5/Haze x HP/Sk1. No fucking way.

You're like the general george washington of weed man..

Shit... I just wanna listen to this guy talk while passing a fat one.
Most of the genetics Europe/Amsterdam got, was from USA. Mainly Pacific North West

Been smoking since 1966. First saw seedless in 1972. Columbian Green Santa Marta Sinsemilla.
Im in Ky, and one of my older friends, older brother worked for a shipping company that went to Columbia every 2 months. Hed always bring back at least 50lbs.
The weed smelled like flowers, and tasted like hashy honeysuckle. Heavy duty Paranoid buzz for most people. Was better than Vietnam Black I smoked in 1970. Frends brother brought 5lbs of weed, and 10lbs of opium back in 71. They werent searching GIs coming back then. He wished he brought back more.

I didnt smoke any weed until 1992 that was the equal, or better than the Santa Marta. NL5/Haze x Hashplant/Sk1 was the ticket. I also had seeds of it, and grew it for 5 years, until my partner got busted, ratted me out for 1000 clones and I went to federal prison for 7 years, and then 8 years of supervised release. Lost all my genetics. Been looking now for years. No fucking way anyhting New Ive smoked has been on par with earlier weed. I also have a verified cut of Chem91skva, no s1 shit ect either..... and its for sure great weed, but is not in the same league as the NL5/Haze x HP/Sk1. No fucking way.
I love your stories man, you should write a memoir! I'm a gen Xer that got started early, but even for me the best Mexican and Central American weed available in the late 80s time was all landraces. If I had known then that I was smoking some of the best herb of my life I would have saved those seeds. The Jamaican Lambsbread I had in 1989 stands out-to think they're mostly growing trash Western hybrid weed on the island now is devastating...the Lebanese hash and kief I was getting up until 1999 that came in stamped bricks and the kief came wrapped in balls of waxed paper with stamped wax seals, with some Arab dude's face and Arabic writing-most of the traditional hash trade was dead by the 90s so I'm glad I got to experience a little piece of history-it was the most outrageous perfect blond kief I've ever had.

The last truly memorable herb I had was in 1999-my dealer paid a tweaker to bring a suitcase full of 20 lbs of weed back from Hawaii-it was incredible, world class, perfect in every way-the stickiest buds with the brightest pink pistils I've ever seen. I tried to buy a second ounce an hour later and it had all sold out... If any millenials or gen Zer's are reading this, keep your minds open to landraces and pure Sativas in general, because whatever you think was the best weed you've ever had, there are strains out there that are 10 times better. Don't buy into the current breeding meta of millions of hybrid strains with dumb names and people crossing them together then selling the unstable offspring for $100 per pack.

This year I'm going to try as many landrace sativas as I can find. I just want to find something as good as what was around in my youth and do my part to propagate it and keep it around for future generations. Right now I'm really liking the traditional Himalayan charas Sativas-I just heard that Mandala seeds is going to "relaunch" sometimes next year with a focus on preserving pure landraces, I'd like to get ahold of some of the pure Bhutanese Sativa seed they collected there. Support landrace breeding efforts guys, most of them will die out in our lifetimes!
I love your stories man, you should write a memoir! I'm a gen Xer that got started early, but even for me the best Mexican and Central American weed available in the late 80s time was all landraces. If I had known then that I was smoking some of the best herb of my life I would have saved those seeds. The Jamaican Lambsbread I had in 1989 stands out-to think they're mostly growing trash Western hybrid weed on the island now is devastating...the Lebanese hash and kief I was getting up until 1999 that came in stamped bricks and the kief came wrapped in balls of waxed paper with stamped wax seals, with some Arab dude's face and Arabic writing-most of the traditional hash trade was dead by the 90s so I'm glad I got to experience a little piece of history-it was the most outrageous perfect blond kief I've ever had.

The last truly memorable herb I had was in 1999-my dealer paid a tweaker to bring a suitcase full of 20 lbs of weed back from Hawaii-it was incredible, world class, perfect in every way-the stickiest buds with the brightest pink pistils I've ever seen. I tried to buy a second ounce an hour later and it had all sold out... If any millenials or gen Zer's are reading this, keep your minds open to landraces and pure Sativas in general, because whatever you think was the best weed you've ever had, there are strains out there that are 10 times better. Don't buy into the current breeding meta of millions of hybrid strains with dumb names and people crossing them together then selling the unstable offspring for $100 per pack.

This year I'm going to try as many landrace sativas as I can find. I just want to find something as good as what was around in my youth and do my part to propagate it and keep it around for future generations. Right now I'm really liking the traditional Himalayan charas Sativas-I just heard that Mandala seeds is going to "relaunch" sometimes next year with a focus on preserving pure landraces, I'd like to get ahold of some of the pure Bhutanese Sativa seed they collected there. Support landrace breeding efforts guys, most of them will die out in our lifetimes!
Look at snowhigh seeds
I love your stories man, you should write a memoir! I'm a gen Xer that got started early, but even for me the best Mexican and Central American weed available in the late 80s time was all landraces. If I had known then that I was smoking some of the best herb of my life I would have saved those seeds. The Jamaican Lambsbread I had in 1989 stands out-to think they're mostly growing trash Western hybrid weed on the island now is devastating...the Lebanese hash and kief I was getting up until 1999 that came in stamped bricks and the kief came wrapped in balls of waxed paper with stamped wax seals, with some Arab dude's face and Arabic writing-most of the traditional hash trade was dead by the 90s so I'm glad I got to experience a little piece of history-it was the most outrageous perfect blond kief I've ever had.

The last truly memorable herb I had was in 1999-my dealer paid a tweaker to bring a suitcase full of 20 lbs of weed back from Hawaii-it was incredible, world class, perfect in every way-the stickiest buds with the brightest pink pistils I've ever seen. I tried to buy a second ounce an hour later and it had all sold out... If any millenials or gen Zer's are reading this, keep your minds open to landraces and pure Sativas in general, because whatever you think was the best weed you've ever had, there are strains out there that are 10 times better. Don't buy into the current breeding meta of millions of hybrid strains with dumb names and people crossing them together then selling the unstable offspring for $100 per pack.

This year I'm going to try as many landrace sativas as I can find. I just want to find something as good as what was around in my youth and do my part to propagate it and keep it around for future generations. Right now I'm really liking the traditional Himalayan charas Sativas-I just heard that Mandala seeds is going to "relaunch" sometimes next year with a focus on preserving pure landraces, I'd like to get ahold of some of the pure Bhutanese Sativa seed they collected there. Support landrace breeding efforts guys, most of them will die out in our lifetimes!
I've heard of, but haven't checked out the Landrace Preservation Society. You might want to check them out.
If you're in Canada I've heard of someone looking for people to breed a few Parvati Valley landrace seeds, but he won't/can't send them to the US.
I’m loving this thread I use to live in a small village where there was loads of hippies and travellers (U.K.) was a smaller Version of Glastonbury almost- some crazy cats !
I had a small flat on the side of a valley I use to have a letter box screwed to my out side wall with a lock my dealer had a key I use to leave my £60 every two wks then my dealer would swing by when I was at work and drop my herb off use to get the best weed in the U.K. remember once getting some purple haze it was like purple sprouting Broccoli huge fat buds
Memory lane what a place ☮
just popped some packs of old seeds, mostly because i thought they might be getting too old (since theyre well over 10 years old) but they nearly all came up. i grew some of sensi's affie#1 and skunk/super skunk back in the 90's so i'll see if they're how i remember them.

Ancient Afghan 'Circa 84-85 This Afghan, though undocumented on it’s exact origins, has been cultivated in north-central California since 1984-’85. Not sweet, but imparting a menthol, Christmas spice, pine, green apple, pepper, light hash and light skunk aromas and palette.'

also some old ak47 f2's i swapped with some guy online for some sour d ibl seeds i made around 2010, hopefully theyre like the old ak.

some Aladdin's skunk too, i just bought these though. 'The Aladdin’s Skunk comes from the original Skunk#1 strain developed by Sacred Seed Co and later Super Sativa Seed Club. Preserved by the underground community since the late 1980’s and now shared by Khalifa Genetics. '
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