Well-Known Member
this seems how most likely dank strains spread. most old heads when I say rollitup actually just roll one up...they could care less about the net.im in south Virginia and you don’t see it. So if anyone does have it its some old timer who doesn’t do internet stuff or some old timer who has old seed stock and don’t even know what they have. Tired once before asking some old heads and couldn’t find anything. Had a good lead to someone who supposedly used to grow a bunch of skunky bud back in the 90s that everyone said had the wild stuff but couldn’t never get a contact to get to meet them. Don’t wanna just show up randomly to there house but it might be worth it but i dont wanna freak people out. Might try and reach out again To the guy who knows the guy who knows the guy etc lol i told a few old head what they would have would be like a holy grail if its true to what it is but none of them seem to take it seriously and don’t really care to help reach out and maybe find it.
plus most people here don’t even keep up to date with strain stuff nor seem to care. most weed people buy don’t give names of what it is they only care about the high not if it has a name or if its sativa or indica its alot like the olden days here still i mean there is people who do keep up to date but alot don’t. You find alot of homegrown stuff that you can tell is some wack ass weed and nothing like anything new or in the last 10+ years but its nothing really skunky... anyhow hopefully one day it will come to light by someone somewhere.