Favorite baked movies


Well-Known Member
Pretty much anything by Jackie Chan (when he was filiming in China). gotta love that Kung Fu.

Also, Endless Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (or something like that? i can't think right now. i've been sober a while). the one with the memory erasing. mad good.

And the Big Lebowski is HILARIOUS!


Well-Known Member
we got baked and watched movies all night.

devils rejects
grandmas boy
black sabbaths "the last supper"
grandmas boy, again


Active Member

Naked Lunch

From 1991.

If you've never seen it...holy shit....the most fuck up movie to smoke to.



Well-Known Member
old bruce lee movies r the shit!!and master of the flying guillatine,anybody remeber those,me and my bro's used t watch when we we're younger and now the badass when baked,eddie murphy,delierious and raw,none of his new shit,that fool sold the rancho,lol


Well-Known Member
all time favorite-Friday. I also liked Half Baked and not really a stoner movie but one of my favorites is Shawshank Redemption.


Well-Known Member
Shawshank is the shit high or sober. Talladega Nights, just for the scene at the dinner table. "I'll come at you like a spider monkey!"


Well-Known Member
is it just me or is every movie awsome when you are blitzed

well i like to watch
donnie darko, a scanner darkly, alice in wonderland, fear and loathing in las vegas, waking life, grand mas boy, slc punk, the matrix, rolling kansas, the big lebowski, pink floyds the wall, accepted, waiting
and much much more


Well-Known Member
i like

half baked and cheech and chong up in smoke

als my fav T.V. show is Croc hunter that shit is funny when he used to wrestle those crocks LOL to bad he died :(


Well-Known Member
Waiting for the day I can watch the extended versions, back to back, of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Blazing and munchin the whole way!!
Really like all the Star Wars, Scarface, Close Encounters of the 3rd kind, And the HBO series Rome, Deadwood, and for sure Carnavale...lets not forget about Braveheart or Gladiator....Wow, I could really keep goin, love to blaze and watch movies


Active Member
There's so many good movies to watch when blazed.

My favs are: CatSoup, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Chronicles of Riddick, and Hostel 2.

A movie I've recently smoked to was Zeitgeist.
I highly recommend if you've never seen it.
Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007 - To watch it.
1hr 56mins


Well-Known Member
i watched rude awaking with cheech and he was smokin a joint and a talkin fish ask him if he could hit that shet, trippy!!! looking forward to seeing harold and kumar go to amsterdam!!


The Gardener
Dirty Sancez the movie .. made me laugh more than any thing ive ever seen it was funny shit ,,

i watched some of the movies use are saying i watch super trooper the other night it was shit lol

big legwiski was shit too lol sorry my wee bro watches them that sort of crap

Cheech and chong was shit 2 i think 1 of them was ok but after 20mins bord ,,Theres people that say they like chech and chong becoz they smoke the weed just , an not even watched it

Fear and loathing in lost vegas was good the dude made it as close to trippin as poss. luv,d it


The Gardener
Heres a few good 1s

1* Rememption

2* Clocks

3* Friday 1-2

4* Gods country (The only film ive ever watched with sub,s )

5*Green Street


Well-Known Member
i watched rude awaking with cheech and he was smokin a joint and a talkin fish ask him if he could hit that shet, trippy!!! looking forward to seeing harold and kumar go to amsterdam!!
haha,i remeber that,didnt he tell the fish that he fish lipped it or something,lol,i like blades of glory,that ool if unny as shit,whats his name?........will farrell,thats it,funny fucker!