Favorite beer or drink of choice?


Well-Known Member
I'm a wheat beer fan so a couple of my favorites are Harpoon UFOs and Blue Moon.
Anyone else with a different favorite hefeweizen?
ha blue moon is about the only beer i wont drink funny I love Ipas pale ales and stoutes but right now Im drinking half bud half cosco brand Ipa
it makes the bud taste almost good.
i love harpoon but i can't get it here. I love Franziskaner, HB, weihenstephaner, hoegaarden, paulener, leffe blonde, blanche de brussels, schneider, all the germans & belgians really.

a good american is avery rascal white, allagash too
i love harpoon but i can't get it here. I love Franziskaner, HB, weihenstephaner, hoegaarden, paulener, leffe blonde, blanche de brussels, schneider, all the germans & belgians really.

a good american is avery rascal white, allagash too

I have never herd of any of those beers you mentioned.I gotta start trying different packs of brew.
Killians is my favorite beer, but I'm a liquor man too!

I keep my keg stocked with Heinekein usually though...
i love harpoon but i can't get it here. I love Franziskaner, HB, weihenstephaner, hoegaarden, paulener, leffe blonde, blanche de brussels, schneider, all the germans & belgians really.

a good american is avery rascal white, allagash too

Yeah, Paulener is real good, but hard to find around here.
Whenever our local Grocery outlet has the 500-ml singles of Griesskirchner Weiße, I always pick up a couple. It's from Austria. cn
Sharpes rpck IPA, stella, peroni, old speckled hen. i just like beer, in fact i'll enjoy pretty much any beer so long as it's 5% or more, all these 3.8% and 4% beers, the fuck is the point, "drink responsibly" you ent given me a darn choice in the matter!

White beers are rather nice as well, althouhg take a bit to get used to, apricot flavoured beer is a strange one at first.