why use a blunt wrapper? whats wrong with just rolling a biggie with zig zags? i ask because it seems to be an american thing, no one over here uses cigar wraps for a joint
because than it would be a blunt

it is an american thing, mostly a hip-hop thing, blunts started in NYC I gota rep my hood
I dont know its an excelent question, why blunts?
but first I must ask why joints?
I think the reason I smoke blunts is because I smoke alot!!! and fitting 1.5 in a joint is just not possible, when I do smoke a joint I double or tripple them up, and have a hard time rolling it, blunts burn really slow, have little taste, and their nice and big

... but even blunts need to be doubled sometimes! to roll thoes monster spliffs
aww man I'm out of blunts

stuck smoking smelly joints
I like garcia vegas,
and my favorite joint paper, if I must use them are skunk brand hemp papers! theres soo nice and thinnn