Hell yeah, Freak, Eso, Brisco, Bobs Bitchin, Dino Party and many others over there, all great guys chuckin some flame and crazy passionate about their work. DC Seed Exchange is where to look for those who don't know.
The list is pretty long. I really like what Alex hardy is doing up in Utah. Archive is great.
The one-hit wonders intrigue me, like Chem, Cookies, Blueberry, Bubba, they changed the entire direction of cannabis after they hit.
honorable mention to the Facebook and IG breeders, I really love kickflip genetics for that paint can seed shipper, R&J Snakes, there's so many I can't keep track any more.
edit- crap, I almost forgot breeder_J from ISC. Never run his stuff and probably never will but I enjoy watching the banter on Twitter.