Favorite Brownie Recipe

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Hi Everyone,

I wanted to share my favorite brownie recipe and see what everyone else's favorite edible recipes are. This is just the joy of cooking brownies cockaigne recipe, but works super well for edibles I find.

I like to use coconut cannabis oil which is around 10% THC made from extracts dissolved into coconut oil (like lower grade bubble hash). I find this makes the best tasting and effect wise for edibles.

10g of 10% THC coconut oil = 1g of THC = 50mg for 20 Brownies

Preheat oven to 350 F
125ml Butter (minus the amount of coconut cannabis oil. So if it is 10g at 10% then use 115ml butter, or if it 20g at 5% use 105ml butter etc..)
4-6 ounces unsweetened chocolate
4 eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup all-purpose flour, sifted
1 cup pecan meats

Melt the butter, coconut cannabis oil, and chocolate in a double-broiler (or a pot over another pot of boiling water). Let this mixture cool, or the brownies will be heavy and dry. Beat the eggs and salt until light in color and foamy in texture. Add the sugar and vanilla gradually and continue beating until well creamed.

With a few swift strokes, combine the cooled chocolate mixture and the eggs and sugar. Do this by hand instead of using a hand mixer. Before it's well mixed, fold in the flour. Add the nuts if desired. Stir gently until mixed. Try not to beat the mixture too heavily. Bake in a greased 9 X 13 inch pan for about 25 minutes at 350 F. Cover the pan with a towel and leave it to sit between 30 and 45 minutes. Don't cut until the brownies are cool as the interiors are still moist when fresh from the oven.

Bon appetit
I don't make these often cause they have a lot of sugar. But taste wise they are incredible.

If you want to go the no sugar added version then make truffles, take the butter/cannabis oil/ chocolate mixture and cool in the fridge. Then with a mellon baller take out balls of the mixture. Dip the balls in tempered chocolate. Sprinkle hemp seeds on top.

I find when I eat the brownies however, because the cannabis oil is mixed with the chocolate and everything else I get a really smooth similar ride every time. Eating oil straight i find the effects quite variable depending on what I ate before because of how the liver processes it. I find when it is baked into something it all gets processed the same by the liver every time and is just a much more predictable and enjoyable experience.
its the same deal if decarbed properly.
you need to measure it out better to have the same effect
and taken on an empty stomach its different as well.
chocolate also intensifies the effect..so they say.
I find its not the same even measuring it out. Sometimes I take 3ml and its way too much and other times very little. Your liver changes THC into 11-0H-THC which is more psychoactive. But sometimes your liver can shunt the oil and it is not all processed. For myself at least when I take straight oil, what/when I have eaten before that in the day will change how the effect is. When I eat it as a brownie its always the same dose, and I just find it a warmer sort of body high. The chocolate could have some effect as well I know...
I prefer the gourmet baker version with precise measurements. It goes something like this:
Make cannabutter using 1 lb of butter and 4 or 5 fist fulls of finely ground bud...no need to measure or weigh. Buy a packaged brownie mix (or cookies, squares etc. gingerbread is amazing!) that requires added butter. Follow instructions on package using cannabutter of unknown potency instead of regular butter. Eat the first one on a day when you don't have to do anything...lol.
I find its not the same even measuring it out. Sometimes I take 3ml and its way too much and other times very little. Your liver changes THC into 11-0H-THC which is more psychoactive. But sometimes your liver can shunt the oil and it is not all processed. For myself at least when I take straight oil, what/when I have eaten before that in the day will change how the effect is. When I eat it as a brownie its always the same dose, and I just find it a warmer sort of body high. The chocolate could have some effect as well I know...
..your not measuring it out correctly ..
but Im sure you;ll tell me different and why ..thanks (:
take on a full tummy ;)

heat changes it so your liver can deal with it ...(:
if its not heated or dried or when it does not pass through the liver...you don't get high. Simply put.

shunts the oil .... :|
I use a betty crocker brownie mix and grind up one and a half ounces of bud ground up to the consistency of flour and add it to the brownie mix it makes 2 8x8 pans very high body stone just had to learn to take a brownie and wait for the buzz don't take 2 right away as you lose your legs. one 1 1/2" brownie does the job very nicely
i have 2 small plants going into bud and a pretty good amount of female leaves after trimming larger plant is that enough to cook with ...no brownie mix however
what else can i make ? i need a simple recipe i don't cook that often can i just spread the butter on toast or something this is my first time cooking and my first edible so any info is useful