Favorite drug besides mj?


Well-Known Member
k is awsome its got a high of its own its almost like your trippin its a pain in the ass to walk it don't last to long and feels weird as hell not the best drug but that shit fucks you up you feel like your about 2 ft tall its crazy
Anybody wanna share a ketamine experience?


Well-Known Member
Its in a mixture of a bunch of different opiates in the poppy. You can purify it pretty easily.
Also opioids don't fry your liver.
i heard something about DXM effecting your liver, idk where but i dont know what sources to trust on drug knowledge anymore. all i know is my stomach hurts like a bitch whenever im leanin hard as fuck, i think its a mutual feeling between anyone. well my friends at least. i just cant be on that level of fucked up anymore, ill stick to trippin balls and smokin a lotta weed. and the occasional shot of jager, gin or rum. personally ive gotta say rum is my favorite if it comes to alcohol, i got some captain in me haha.


Well-Known Member
heroin; meh.....better, worse. same drug. heroin gets there quicker. i smoke my yearly opium harvest, but i no longer "get high," as we used to put it. it all turns to morphine inside:)
that shit is the VERY best. morphine sulfate......pharmaceutical......yum.

Send me a plane ticket.. I want to be where you are for a month or two.


Well-Known Member
It's actually is perfectly legal to grow poppies. They are a fairly common ornamental flower. It becomes a crime when you attempt to harvest the latex for the purpose of morphine/codeine extraction. From the little I've read on the subject, apparently the alkaloid content varies wildly from strain to strain.


Well-Known Member
Alright I'm gonna grow poopy seeds lol. I haven't tried anything that comes from them yet and I'm very curious. How many plants should I grow? Are they hard to grow? And where should I get the seeds from?


Well-Known Member
Google is your friend. There are forums just like this one for growing/making virtually any mind altering substance.

I did some research yesterday on the same subject, poppys for opium. Information is not a problem, lol.

They are cheap as hell, easy to grow. Harvesting appears to be the biggest PITA in opium production.

Best news, you can make cheapo....whatever it is.......just by alcohol or water extraction on the bare seeds themselves. I guess they come out of the latex or nearby and are coated with the good stuff and you just have to get it.

Grocery store seeds are usually washed, so don't try those. Seeds are everywhere online for $5 for hundreds of them, up to kilos of them.

Please don't just listen to me, inform yourself before trying anything stupid. Opiates can fuck your world up if you're not careful.