Favorite Food When You Have The Munchies!


Well-Known Member
That cheedar cheese snack mix.

ANYTHING to be honest

Actually anything easy. I need get stoned and make a banging 3 course meal


Well-Known Member
ohhh damn, awhile ago i decided to take a break from smoking, but when i started again,( u guys know how the first high is the best haha), i put down a whole bag of dry cocoa pebbles lol, not one of those rice crispie bags but one of the generic super bags. cant touch the shit now lol.


Well-Known Member
Ghirardelli brownies with walnuts....devastating with a scoop Hagen Daz vanilla ice cream on top...:hump:


Ursus marijanus
Lindt milk chocolate. It becomes ... almost erotically good. Gets all over my shirt.
(btw LOVED the one about the big Peanut M&Ms bag!)
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
Botanas,anything mexican
...even shit hole Taco Bell is one my of favorite munchies(...not mexican, I know...but still good munchie food)


Well-Known Member
peanutbutter and fluff sandwich fried in butter in a pan is by far the most amazing thing when your at your highest point