favorite growers of RIU


Well-Known Member
Everybody here who participates regularly is my favorite,ive learned good shit off just about everybody here,including the kid who grew the fork,this is why RIU blows away the other weed sites.


Well-Known Member
out door I like fdd, hydro would ya show some love for filthy fletch and soil indoor well i have no favorite at this time, ive been growin soil awhile now and it's thair is noone that sticks out off hand but i still learn new stuff from alot of ppl here every day and i thank you all wheres garden knowm at


hmm... i think a prize is gonna need to go out to florida girl for being my one fan =]


pm me and i'll let you know the prize ;-)

widow maker... nice to see you pop in... what? just sticking to those mod only threads? lol

... might as well list those who've i've been fond of
btdt - that man has lead me down the golden path for sure... glad to still be in contact with him...
fdd - also had a big hand in helping me get to the decent grower status i'm at now... owe him big time
kindprincess - fits in the same category... very lovely human being in many ways =]
azgrow of course having been my partner =p
al b - a lot of how i'm currently growing is based off of his methods... loosely...
bdw - offers some of the best mj entertainment out there imo
viredd - if you can ever get him to discuss anything besides politics, you'll get some solid knowledge for sure
mods of past and present... including you WM and also potroast, RIU, skunk, mogie for her growfaq contribution...

and i'm sure there are others worth mentioning... just slipping the mind...

good night to all

... and florida girl, do pm me =p

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
hmm... i think a prize is gonna need to go out to florida girl for being my one fan =]


pm me and i'll let you know the prize ;-)

widow maker... nice to see you pop in... what? just sticking to those mod only threads? lol

... might as well list those who've i've been fond of
btdt - that man has lead me down the golden path for sure... glad to still be in contact with him...
fdd - also had a big hand in helping me get to the decent grower status i'm at now... owe him big time
kindprincess - fits in the same category... very lovely human being in many ways =]
azgrow of course having been my partner =p
al b - a lot of how i'm currently growing is based off of his methods... loosely...
bdw - offers some of the best mj entertainment out there imo
viredd - if you can ever get him to discuss anything besides politics, you'll get some solid knowledge for sure
mods of past and present... including you WM and also potroast, RIU, skunk, mogie for her growfaq contribution...

and i'm sure there are others worth mentioning... just slipping the mind...

good night to all

... and florida girl, do pm me =p
Well now days the only familiar faces are the mods. RIU has grown bigger than my buds. lol. I try to stick to the newbie central mostly. I pretty much go for the unanswered post.
I need to get my camera out. I have a lot of new strains and I have a half aero half soil garden. I am growing the best plants I ever have. WM

PS I dont see what all the hype is over FDD. He doesnt even have a movie out. lol. Naw he is a great guy. Little moody sometimes but none the less I would have to give him my vote.
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Well-Known Member
i like DB, he is great, and i also enjoy comercial, and i also enjoy inbudwetrust, and i also enjoy chill winston, that thread is good, and i also enjoy dewey kox and i also enjoy a lot of people, as long as you keep the updated pics coming, you're on my list


this was a fun thread......i really like browsing through every one's grow on this forum, lot of good people on this site, lot's of good info........


Well-Known Member
Mr.virulent Amoeba
Mr.Orical........still giggling about your little pic.
mr.Guy with the airplain.
Mr.Natoon or somthing like that
Mr.Dave.1 King of da AG
why don't I just copy an paste the members list
I love them all and miss some very much.
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Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Well I'm new on here but over the last month a number of people have always been there to answer any questions. Big props to RIU for that.
As far as grows it has to be Ganjagoddess who has surely got RUIs most awesome grow at the moment. So props to GG for the indoor farm.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
and you barking mad! your journal is awesome and a good read
wow thanks, not sure about awesome but when I'm finished it should do what it says on the tin. I'm putting up a bloom room soon time to start thinking about toking my own product for a change.
I can't wait just to not be reliant on other people to come up with quality goods.
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