Why? Thats a horrible thing to say. I lost all my pieces and that's all I've been smoking..
They're more stable and burn better than a joint while being bigger too. Its the best
I smoke an occasional Black and Mild, wood tip. They are a very mild and nice selling cigar. They are considered a very low end cigar but I like them.
They step it up from "Causes Cancer" to "Causes Needles to be Jammed into your Eyeball" with these pack warnings? That works better than those stupid TRUTH campaigns hahahathese packs are the official symbol of getting baked in newfoundland, if your smoking weed in newfoundland with more then 2 ppl i guarantee you'll see this pack at least once View attachment 3237249
it says smoking may cause Macular Degeneration im pretty sure. "Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a deterioration or breakdown of the eye's macula. The macula is a small area in the retina — the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye. The macula is the part of the retina that is responsible for your central vision, allowing you to see fine details clearly."They step it up from "Causes Cancer" to "Causes Needles to be Jammed into your Eyeball" with these pack warnings? That works better than those stupid TRUTH campaigns hahaha
I don't smoke cigarettes any more, but when I did I exclusively smoked Djarum Blacks. They give a pretty heavy, jittery buzz if you're inexperienced with them. Regular cigarettes make me hack and cough and i can't smoke them, but the Eugenol in the cloves makes the Blacks a lot smoother.