Favorite movie to watch while your baked?

Oh yeah, I like these ones too

Ace Ventura Pet Detective (haha!)
Beavis & Butthead series
Southpark (classic stoner viewing pleasure for me, some shows are dumb but some are funny as fu**!)
The Devil in Ms Jones is a good film , the sequals are all good to
Damn, bringing back the old school bro. When I was a young lad, I picked the shitty lock on my dad's private drawer and watched that on good old VHS (it might even have been Betamax) can't recall.
"Half Baked" and all three fridays are all classics lol

"Belly" on blu-ray, in my 42" flatscreen, with all the lights closed, is pretty trippy too with the crazy lighting and great camera angles. :D
Watched "The Big Lebowski" last night, I swore I seen that movie before but it must of been a long time, it was hilarious!
Dumb and Dumber
Blues Brothers
Half Baked
Commando (Drinking game idea-take a sip every time Ah-nold kills someone, you wont be awake for the end of the movie LOL!)

Saving Private Ryan

Dark side:
Jacob's Ladder
Full Metal Jacket
Apocalypse Now
Clockwork Orange

There are many more that I can't think of because I am baked off my livin ass!
i will never get sick of dumb and dumber. my two favorite scenes are the dog breed joke and the snowball fight. and the blind kid with the dead parakeet lol.

serial mom is another one i've worn to hell but still watch every once in a while. nothing is funnier to me than the wretched old bitch getting beaten to death with the leg of lamb during "annie". and the "wear your seatbelt, it's the law" scene.

i really wish people would upload better clips to youtube for that movie. all the ones i found look like they were shot with a really old camera phone.
I have not seen Belly yet, heard it was good.. am I missing out??
It's pretty much the only grimy hood type movie that I can honestly say, was great. Usually those types of movies are plain bullshit, but they pulled it off nicely in this one. I suggest you watch it, lots of action, drug use, and in the end, a pretty good message too. :)
I'm going to be in the minority here...
But I've really been enjoying taking some sweet bong hits and reading zombie novels lately. (Plague of the Dead, anyone?)
I wanna see "Safe House" also... I keep checking KickAssTorrents.com for it... it will be there soon.. mu wha ha ha