Favorite Movies

If you like creepy flicks when you get high maybe the best I have ever seen is "1408," especially with the Director's Cut ending. Great flick, and the better of the two endings by far. It's a Stephen King story but the flick was not made by him.

"Rose Red" will grab your attention and give you a bit of a shock from time to time. It's long, but it's worth the time it takes to watch it all.

While not scary "Storm of the Century" has a nice creepy feeling to it. The actor who played Andre Linoge did a great job.

"The Shining" is good. As good as the original is I kind of like the Stephen King remake for TV better in some ways.

The "Resident Evil" series is good. Lots of action and gore with just enough humor now and then to make it fun, and who could not enjoy looking at Milla Jovovich?

"Ocean's 11" and "Ocean's 13" are great, and "Ocean's 12" is pretty good, but not as good as the others.

"Platoon" is a very good one.

"Apocalypse Now" is very, very good.

While there are many continuity errors and one clearly blown line, "Full Metal Jacket" is always good.

"Unforgiven" is a great flick. It has a few continuity errors and a couple things that make absolutely no sense, which is amazing considering how well made and to what lengths Clint Eastwood went to, to be accurate for the times.

"Saving Private Ryan" is a very well made flick and always a good engrossing flick to pick.
the mechanic original,schindlers list,starship troopers,pitch black,chronicles of riddick,hannah,lord of the flies,forest gump,appocalyptico,emerald forest,Akira,Marathon man,falcon and the snow man,bloodsport,Poltergiest.
For those who have not seen them "Death Proof" and "Pulp Fiction" are must see flicks. Another right up there is "Reservoir Dogs."

If someone likes action, the three movies in "The Transporter" series give you action.

"Goodfellas" is beyond just great.

The first two "Godfather" flicks are very, very good.

"Heat" is pretty darn good.

"Jackie Brown" is a very good flick.

While not exactly masterpieces "Kill Bill 1" and "Kill Bill 2" give you a lot of action and a few pretty good performances.
I'd have to go with Pulp Fiction, Armegeddon, The Rock, and for a laugh The Jerk, Tombstone (warped sense of humor).
cheech n chong
road trip
xxx ram fucking great... lolz jk
dont be a menace while drinking your juice in the hood
fuck i cant think that stoner movie with dave shapel
note book
good fellas
tale from the bronks
carlitoes way part one and only one.
get him greek
jack ass all of them
willy wonka n the chocolate factory both of them old and new
indiana jones all of them
all the vampires interview, lost boys
throw moma of the train.
bruce lee movies
fuck the list goes on
I don't know how I ever managed to forget to mention these four.

"Jaws." The scenes out on the ocean are considered some of the very best ever filmed. The first portion of the film does rather date itself, and too me it hasn't withstood the test of time as well as the rest, but the rest far more than makes up for it.

"The Exorcist." You want to watch, or if buying the Extended Director's Cut instead of the Original Theatrical Edition, or if buying you can get the twin disc version. But the Extended Director's Cut has some really cool bits that didn't make it to the big screen, so that's what to hope to see.

"American Graffiti" always works. In 1998 the American Film Institute (AFI) ranked it as the seventy-seventh greatest film ever in the 100 Years ... 100 Movies list. In 1995, the United States Library of Congress deemed the film "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" and selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry.

Not many films can lay claim to just one of those two awards, let alone both.

Like 'em or not, they're true classics from the early 70's. "American Graffiti" and "The Exorcist" both in 1993 and "Jaws" in 1975.

Maybe the overall best and one that just draws me closer and closer to the screen is Kenneth Branagh's "Hamlet." The cinematography and sets alone are worth watching, the the 65mm - 70mm film they used gives tremendous images. Plus you get a great cast, great acting, an interesting storyline and when you add all those together, you have one of the best films you will seen. It's one to not only watch and enjoy, but watch it again a few times and study it, think about what it took to do some of it, and if you look real close you will see some expert moves of how to remain seen as much as possible during a scene when a camera is moving all around you and other people are between you and the camera.


If you have trouble understanding Shakespearean English, scratch "Hamlet." To me that is the icing on the cake that turns it from great to fantastic. But that's just me. I think that is a big part of why I do not tire of it and can watch it over and over again. That alone makes it so unique from most films that it always seems fresh and different and more attention grabbing. If you can understand everything they say, and also understand it's meaning, you can get lost in the script alone. It's the kind of movie that Stevie Wonder could even really get into.

Some people cannot understand much of is said. Between the accents and the Shakespearean English, I've known people who watched it, or tried to watch it and said for all they could actually understand it might as well have been in Bulgarian.
Wow...I have to actually chooose some favs? There are sooo many though.

Let's see-

The Punisher (w/Thomas Jane & John Travolta)
The Abyss
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Star Trek (2009)
Animal House

Ugh... I ain't looking through the rest of these DVD's...that's why I had to get filing cabinets! :)
my favorite movies are:
Army of Darkness
Beauty & the Beast
Let the Right One In
Dirty Dancing
Princess Bride
Little Princess
Little Nemo
The Time Traveler’s Wife.........
well.... my favorite movies are: Army of Darkness Beauty & the Beast Let the Right One In Dirty Dancing Footloose Princess Bride Stardust Stepbrothers Little Princess Little Nemo The Time Traveler’s Wife.........
SOME awsome movies ive toked to:

Pirate Radio - sex, drugs n brittish rock
Suckerpunch -bunch of super hot chicks....nothing else mattered
Scott Pilgrem vs. the world -epic guitar battles Movies perfect when high!
limitless - the cut scenes are amazing! any one got any NZT!?

watching super trooper, right meow!