Favorite Munchie Food?


Usually i eat a load of chocolate, i dont know why, that or i just cant stop ramming chips down my throat, and i like toast or cheese on toast, and a cup of tea :D


jist go to tesco and get anything that can be consumed in seconds ie crisps biscits cakes oooooooooooooooooo choclate eclairs thats a good 1 costs a bit but wtf im stoned and loveing it


Tescos pasta pots!!! Me and my friends always walk down the local tescos and just buy monster energy drinks and tescos ready made food! It may be tacky but its so good when stoned.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Tesco's pasta pots are lovely, not had a lot of experience eating them whilst stoned but they ARE pretty damned good...

My faves - Pepperoni and Chilli Domino's pizza with Cherry Coke or Dr. Pepper to drink and warm Cinnamon Whirls or chocolate fudge cake for afters...we usually just order pizza's/kebabs from a local place but at some point I wanna do Domino's (just found out today they are still open and actually deliver until 4 in the morning) - guess what I'll be trying with my mates when my harvest is ready!


Well-Known Member
man I need a beer to settle down my head, the last bag I bought must have been mostly sativa cuz my head is floating but my body feels normal.


Well-Known Member
got a tuna casserole in the oven and a bucket of ice cream in the freezer for desert.


omg.. i just stumbled upon these cheese curl thingys that i love to munch on after smoking.. they are called jalapeno poppers (sp) and they are soo damn good.. and i don't even like normal plain cheese curls, but these damn things are over the top, lol.. good stuff..
Yo if you like those poppers try getting like a dozen or so fresh jalepenos a pound of bacon (thin slices work best and a tub of whipped cream cheese. slice the jalepenos in 1/2 lengthwise and scoop out the seeds fill it with the cream cheese wrap it in a 1/2 slice of bacon, put em on a cookie sheet lined w/foil for easy cleaning. put em in a preheated oven 400 degrees for about 30 - 40 minutes and lookout theyre insane!!