Favorite rolling paper?

Although I am also a bong fan, i agree with what you say about a J. to answer your question: my favorite rolling papers are 'Juicy Jay's', they come in many great flavors, they're 1 1/4" whichrollitup#1.jpg is perfect for rollin specialty J's, and they look trippy as lucy in the sky with diamonds. And any blunt wrap really. i also dig them OCB papers! they make pretty cool slow burnin hemp and crystal papers. what would be cool to smoke with is UV or glow in the dark paper. man that would walk like a yeti on ice at a trance party!!!


Well-Known Member
RAW papers are the best, hands down....

Actually Element papers are a close second..then original zig zags


Active Member
Man I've been smoking for almost 7 years and you guys just made me feel like a smoking noob. I haven't heard of half the brands you guys mentioned, time to go paper shopping.


Well-Known Member
Small pipe is regular method but since I smoke cigs nothing better than a joint. Problem is I cant roll for shit so if with someone that can I always ask them to roll me up one. I have tried and tried, even used machines but just cant get it down. Im 51 lol


Active Member
1st place bar none...
if you dont agree then you havent tried them.
100% ultra thin hemp. perfect light glue.
these are the best.


Well-Known Member
Im enjoying the Raws as we speak :) Theyve become my number one at the moment
But Bob Marley hemp papers are awesome for the fat joints, and lets not forget the Elements 12" :P


Well-Known Member
These appear to be flavored, not made of actual sugar caen... but having woven things with sugarcane fibers I wondered if it'd make good paper...

Rice paper Elements sound great and are advertised to burn very cleanly.

I may find myself just eating them, though..

I like the slight waxiness of raws but I find them less willing to do the initial tuck and curl/roll than conventional paper like Rizla blues or silvers, though the silvers can be flimsy and burn retardedly. I really liked OCB premium when in Germany. Very thin but manageable. Apparently they use pure flax paper whilst the supposedly inferior variety uses hemp and flax. Which is actually better, I wonder..

I'll have to give the Elements a try and review.


Well-Known Member
What does it mean when the paper dimensions are King Size Slim? I know what King Size is, but what does the Slim refer to?


Well-Known Member
I loove OCB papers, they burn so nicely, the only problem i find personally is that they can be too wide and its almost like a thick paper wrapped around it.

  • I know what King Size is, but what does the Slim refer to?​

Its referring to the thickness of the rizla, nobody wants cartridge paper to to wrap a joint.