Favorite thing to grow (other than bud)


Active Member
So, for those gardeners out there, what are your favorite and least favorite things to grow. The only rule is it must be used primarily for food. Sorry, perrenial gardens are pretty but I'm interested in trying to grow something new this year.

To start it off, my favorites:
1) Potatos
2) Zuchini
3) Habanero Peppers.

And the stuff I grow but wouldn't if I could purchase the same quality:
1) Tomatos (season is generally too short, especially light at the end, as vine ripening is a must!)
2) Radishes (plant in may, harvest in mid june, can't replant as there is just too much sun and heat which turns them into mostly tops).
3) Cilantro (I get more corriander than Cilantro, and it doesn't grow well outside after early June)



Well-Known Member
One of my favorites that I grow is basil... there are so many dif kinds and I love cooking with it.
I also grow, strawberries, rosemary (yum), lavender, cilantro and about 5 dif kinds of peppers.


Active Member
Awesome stuff! Have you tried the Thai Sweet Basil? It's very tasty... one of the best I've had.

I remember my grandma growing strawberries. How difficult are they to deal with? She lived in northern MN (about 30 minutes south of Canada) and never said much about them... she just kept growing them. I'd love to have some to make fruity alcoholic beverages. Perhaps a strawberry dandilion wine would be tasty.

What types of peppers do you grow? I've done various bell peppers, habaneros (of course), pimentos, banana's, cherry, jalapeno, hot thai, and others I can't remember. I still haven't found a hot pepper that compares to a habanero flavor-wise. They're great in dill pickles or in a stir fry with zuchini or asparagus.


Well-Known Member
working on stawberries right now, planning to expand to multiple easy to grow fruits in my grow room.


Well-Known Member
Awesome stuff! Have you tried the Thai Sweet Basil? It's very tasty... one of the best I've had.

I remember my grandma growing strawberries. How difficult are they to deal with? She lived in northern MN (about 30 minutes south of Canada) and never said much about them... she just kept growing them. I'd love to have some to make fruity alcoholic beverages. Perhaps a strawberry dandilion wine would be tasty.

What types of peppers do you grow? I've done various bell peppers, habaneros (of course), pimentos, banana's, cherry, jalapeno, hot thai, and others I can't remember. I still haven't found a hot pepper that compares to a habanero flavor-wise. They're great in dill pickles or in a stir fry with zuchini or asparagus.
I just planted the strawberries so I wouldnt be able to tell you, but I have grown them outdoors many times and I think they are easy.
As far as the basil goes, I am growing sweet thai, lemon and chocolate basil.
The peppers Im not too sure about cuz I bought so many packs and those are just started... but I know fasho that I have, serranos, yellow habaneros and mild jalapenos... plus some sort of chile. MMMmmmmm.

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
I like to grow daisies!

Then rip'em up and throw the petals in peoples faces and

"eat daisies motherfucker!"


Well-Known Member
I like to grow daisies!

Then rip'em up and throw the petals in peoples faces and

"eat daisies motherfucker!"
Im currently growing 2 dif types of roses. I was just trying to stick with the grow and eat theme... lmao. But there are a lot of edible flowers.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by HiAzHeLL
is that a cunt with a flower?
nice first post and choice of words....:roll:..perv!!!!

what do u expect...im sittin here smokin on a bowl and look up to see a pussy movin around with a flower painted on it... i dont see how thats perverted