Favorite Tripping Movies


Well-Known Member
Disney's Aladin - LSD
Kung fu panda - very deep shit on shrooms.
Coraline - LSD


Active Member
Waking life - im not sure if anyone has heard of it but it is looks trippy as hell even if you arent tripping. really easy to get lost though, its kind of confusing if you havent seen it before


Well-Known Member
Waking life - im not sure if anyone has heard of it but it is looks trippy as hell even if you arent tripping. really easy to get lost though, its kind of confusing if you havent seen it before
Same style and director as A Scanner Darkly.
both good films. Both trippy.
Both are visually appealing, but like you said can be hard to follow while tripping, so turn down volume and put on some tunes.


Active Member

That'd be rubber johnny.....sometimes, I can't even watch it sober...at least the first several minutes. Try it on 2CB.

Sling Blade
Donnie Darko
Silent Hill
Bring It On...sorry for this one, but my roommates chick brought it over the first time I tripped mushrooms. I was supposed to just act like I was high because she wouldn't be cool with it I guess. Anyway...laughed my ass off. I've never been so lost tryin to figure out the point of a movie in my life!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
dude.. not a favorite, but most def. a trippy movie when tripping.

Pink Floyd The Wall.


Well-Known Member
It took 92 posts before The Wall was mentioned.
surprised .
It is a great film though.

anybody tried The Wizard of Oz synched with The Dark Side of the Moon?


Well-Known Member

That'd be rubber johnny.....sometimes, I can't even watch it sober...at least the first several minutes. Try it on 2CB.

Sling Blade
Donnie Darko
Silent Hill
Bring It On...sorry for this one, but my roommates chick brought it over the first time I tripped mushrooms. I was supposed to just act like I was high because she wouldn't be cool with it I guess. Anyway...laughed my ass off. I've never been so lost tryin to figure out the point of a movie in my life!
cool shit
Music probided by Aphex Twin


Well-Known Member
cool shit
Music probided by Aphex Twin
hm. i don't think i could handle that while tripping..it'd for sure scare the hell out of me....that chihuahua was already freaking me out

did you watch fantastic planet yet?


Well-Known Member
hm. i don't think i could handle that while tripping..it'd for sure scare the hell out of me....that chihuahua was already freaking me out

did you watch fantastic planet yet?
I didn't watch it yet, but I have acquired it and will be watching sometime in the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Tripping to the wall was the worst experience of my life. I should have realized how screwed up the main character was when I saw it straight and passed.
mmmm the wall
Probably my favorite of all time. I can relate to the movie.

Ok so i saw silent hill for the first time on mushrooms and that shit scared the life out of me and I got so lost and the walls were peeling off and the jerky movements and creepy surround sound...... Whenever that siren goes off anywhere I have a flashback.


Well-Known Member
Hah every movie I was thinking about mentioning in my post was said while I was reading through the comments. Eh whatever i'll just say'em again

1.Alice in Wonderland (Original Disney)
2.Donnie Darko
3.The Matrix (Which ever one has Neo talking to that guy in the room with all the T.V.'s and the guy explains reality, I started hearing my brain sizzle from all the thinking)
4.Spun (even though it's about tweaking)
5.SILENT HILL (Watch this with all the lights off... you'll be scared of the dark after watching...)
6. Fear and Loathing
7. Harold and the Purple Crayon (Remember watching this in High School on mushrooms... really messed up my reality for the rest of the day)