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would you guys rather have 25 hits good lsd, or a gram of 2c-e?

lol good luck taking a gram of 2ce.. mabye if you had been rinsing it everyday for a few weeks

but with no tolerance i doubt you'd come back.. I ate 50mgs with no tolerance and that was fooookin crazy, 1g would be mental haha
of 2cb anyway, i dunno about 2ce or 2ci but with 2ce garanteed you couldent snort half a gram
I have no offical infomation but ive seen people do it m8, and yes im pretty sure its pure as fuck... why would you think that .5 of 2cb is a lethal dose :/ 2cb isent that strong in compassrion to 2ce
its just hard to believe because a super intense dose when snorting that shit is 35+ mgs.
and its the same dose when ingested.

i dunno why anyone would even exceed the "extreme" threshold effects of 2c-x

20 mgs is enough for me!!!
i dont even remember that experience i was so fucked.
cept for the times i got shot back into reality like the drug does.