Favourite munchie food?

sorry mate, im a cottage cheese AND cream cheese hater...for that matter im not too big on cheese. except for fondue...oh man fondue when you're lit is AMAZING but kind of alot of work for just one person but make a great social meal

Love to fondue:hump:, all kinds...We dont do the whole turkey thing for thanksgiving or xmas, we fondue. 3 courses, cheese, followed by a wine or oil fondue, finish it up with a nice chocolate/white chocolate mix :mrgreen:....turns the meal into a 3 hour event, lots of prep work but well worth it!!
Thats a totally awesome tradition and sounds worth the work. I love getting like, 6 people around a fondue. but instead of passing the salt, we pass the blunt!
My Ultimate Feast
Now when I get high theres no fucking around as I may have said before so heres the last time I had my ultimate feast
1 - Huge plate of Nachos (eat first while rolling blunt)
1 - 4 gram super fuckin sexy blunt
1 - I grow Cannabis dvd (Cannabis Culture) GREAT FUCKING DVD A MUST BUY OR DOWNLOAD!
1 - Case of Ice Cold Coca Cola *drool*
1 - Put a pizza in the oven on a low heat
When you get hungry go check that bad boy out low heat maybe about 40 min

I tell yea once the munchies ran out I fucking died was sooo full but my god what a feast and I learned a lot about growing weed the best way possible hella stoned
I have to agree with lizard you can't go wrong with pizza, this is usally my toking dinner:
1) app-mozzerella sticks with marina sauce
2) main-california pizza magherita (frozen)
3)dessert-fresh strawberries and melted chocolate(get it where the dips are in the produce section)

I know number 3 is semi healthy but you guys gotta try it,its the best balance of sweetness

oh another good one is blueberry waffels a 50/50 butter and maple syrup combo melted then poured on waffels and dusted with cinnimon sugar

ohh and don't go food shoping when your high i end up spending hundreds of dollars on food cause everything looks so good,hahaha

I actually got drunk once cause my friends had to go shopping so I downed a 2/6 of pear schnapps (30 percent) Golden Pear I do believe well I downed that shit in about 20 min no chaser because well I was broke and I spent it on the worst alcoholic beverage I've ever tasted I was soooo fucking wasted in the store it was great got back to their house and I went down on the toilet once again

Hmmm it seems that people do enjoy my munchie knowledge on this thread I am more then glad to help

The Lizard King getting stoned more and more for your munchie pleasure

God damn I should make movies....oh yeah I do lol!
i know its weird but trail mix. it has chocolate, its salty, and crunchy, plus the raisins prevent that damn cotton-mouth
Those round chocalate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches

not the cheap ones...These have big cookies that are soft & chewy

theyre dipped in chocolate

also enjoy some good Japanese tempura when stoned