FBI Found "Tens Of Thousands Of Emails" Belonging To Huma Abedin On Weiner's Laptop

tell us more about welfare scumbags from the comfort of your little rental, with a leaky roof and broken plumbing, located nicely in the heart of the white trash redneck territory of jacksonville florida.
I neither rent nor live in Jacksonville. Roof is a year old metal roof, no leaks. No plumbing problems yet,
its quite obvious but just generally looking around our politics section that its completely filled with trash and insultes, please dont spam our report function for politics.
outside politics yes but inside no we have dedicated staff who read every post we dont need spammed reported posts.
report once but not 10 times
Reported for badmouthing the reporters hahaha.

Im joking sunni,good to see you this fine monday afternoon :)
So is it re opened or not ? the FBI investigation?. To my understanding, It is
Re opened last Friday ... but even for a glue sniffing democrat that has moved up from model Glue to two part epoxy glue ( Much cheaper and better high for the buck)

I am little worried now from reading what the polls are telling us.
3 percent of Hillary supporters, just might flip sides . Being its a very close race has me concerned.

I am starting to think, that Guess what , USA is not ready for women president call me what you like.
I can see FBI walking into the democratic main office on election night hand hand cuffing her.