Fbi surveillance van?


Well-Known Member
No shit but honestly I'm there every day mon - fri today was the first day the network has ever been there. Don't take me for a fool I've talked the cops out of thinking I had pot on me when I did. Purely convinced to where they apologized thoroughly for accusing me. So alls I'm saying is.... Is it probable that a wireless company or manufacturer of a phone to report Internet usage of an illegal matter in a "different" state?


Well-Known Member
.... Is it probable that a wireless company or manufacturer of a phone to report Internet usage of an illegal matter in a "different" state?
Not probable. Cops are too busy looking for real crime and wireless companies are busy devising the next fees they can squeeze out of you.


Well-Known Member
our wifi is called baby rapers, and i don't rape any babies. Someone just wanted a cool name for their wifi

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Well visiting RIU on a phone is a bad idea to start with. Rule #1 brah, at ALL TIMES and in ALL SITUATIONS: cover your ass!


Well-Known Member
I laughed so hard at this thread, I literally almost shit myself. You guys are just too much sometimes. FBI... haha


Well-Known Member
How would visiting riu on a phone make it Any different than your home computer where you grow op is. Dumbass. Visiting riu On A phone would be more legit then sitting there surfing on your laptop watching your girls grow. Your is a location noted and logged by your modem ip. My phone connects to a wireless tower. So what that does is allow the police to track you via cell towers. But they narrow it down to a geographic area instead of your house. Before you guys think about tryna diss me for putting up such a thread. What would you do if you saw a wireless bandwidth that says FBI Surveillance van #26? That is a legit worry in my book, sorry man.

Oh and you Brandon.? I don't get you. You come here just to post the fact thatyou almost shit yourself. Well. Way to go man id give you a prize if you were here for being a retard.b


Well-Known Member
if you are worried then take measures to protect yourself. maybe this thread should have been in a different section. just cause you are paranoid does not mean someone is not out to get you. good luck :)


Well-Known Member
check it out there might be threads there that answer your questions or discuss your issues.


Well-Known Member
This is one of those times you just gotta let it go...if they are there and watching you it is too late...the jig is up...you're caught...nothing you can do about it so keep on keeping on and don't worry about it...Then again maybe I am just lazy and apathetic about most things in my own life so that is easy...but I am big for rolling with the punches...I would be more careful I think but it is nothing to keep worrying about...paranoia gets more people caught then most things I think...the secret is to not give a fuck...makes you above suspicion...


Well-Known Member
I completely Agree with you man. I'm not trippin anymore. Its just a weird thing to see. Ya know. Sitting there at your workplace on your marijuana website ON YOUR IPHONE BEFORE ANYONE SAYS ANYTHING LOL and all the sudden that shit pops up on your wireless Internet scan. Tripped me out. Thats legit in my book to ask a community what they think. Its like the movie blow... Once you are able to walk through customs with a key of blow in your suitcases hollow compartment. You can do anything. Lol


Well-Known Member
Not really gripping to it.'just keeping convomgoing on a thread that people will think is interesting. When they open up to find it's just a paranoid stoner (go figure right) lol