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`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
dude why u close the thread for man those are the best threads we have had
could u open them once closed most of us are good

:( we need those threads back?
hahha yall still doin that?
man long time ago i was in one.... with a bunch of other chicks
lol bet someone took it a lil over the top huh?
you all form little groups. then you get comfortable and start poking at people. as you all are left to get away with it you push it even further. i let you all go for over 3 months. i stopped interfering. after potroast closed 3 threads in a row due to all the drama i decided it was time we ALL stop. including myself. i started out by being polite and asking everybody to put a halt to it. i was immediately greeted with attacks that have yet to end.

post on the forums. have fun doing it.

play with people, it's all cool, until someone gets seriously offended.

when people start getting offended it's time to stop.


it's really that easy. we try to let things go here as much as we can, but we do have limits. you all have reached those limits.

stop attacking me. let this all pass. and stop poking at each other for a few days. that's all we have to do.
Ah.. The geewiz threads I thought were for different reasons, my bad..

So im guessing it wasnt just the old man threesome that took things over the edge? lmao
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