fdd2blk's Basic Trimming And Topping Techniques


Well-Known Member
thanks... I almost watermarked mine cause I didin't want people to think I was stealing you pics.

EDIT: I have no cat poop as you can clearly see though.


Well-Known Member
purple can be temp or phosphorus def. that cause purple in plants.
sometimes.... photoshop....


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, still funny, i like photoshop but seriously im tired of people saying it is genetics when very few strains have the genetics for purple stems. It is as you say phosphorous deficiency and phosphorous is very quickly locked out at low temps, quite obvious when you think about it, shame it took me so long. Genetics it aint. Any way off topic now guys, plants. Peace


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, still funny, i like photoshop but seriously im tired of people saying it is genetics when very few strains have the genetics for purple stems. It is as you say phosphorous deficiency and phosphorous is very quickly locked out at low temps, quite obvious when you think about it, shame it took me so long. Genetics it aint. Any way off topic now guys, plants. Peace
I'm growing out shishka and according to the lastest HT best of there are is a dispernsery in Maine growing two different pheno's of shiskaberry on of a green variety and one of a purple. I've noticed some purple in the stems but wondered if it was just a def. not the actual strain. We'll have to see as she fills out. On topic I topped these during like the 2nd week of veg around the 3rd node if I remember correctly. On one ofPhoto0147.jpg my ladies I decided to do alittle experiment and topped her then after a few weeks I supercropped her leaning the branches out from the centerPhoto0146.jpg. Low and behold the middle of the two started to fill it where as the others that I just topped are pretty bare between the two stalks.

DSC_2791.jpg Photo0150.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ya know, it sucks that threads intended for good information keep getting hijacked by people calling each other names


Well-Known Member
but you were my hero fdd, i looked up to your grows and then you freakn told me cat poop!

and no im not over it because you are a veteran at growing and you knowingly know that cat poop wont work, but you still put it out there...

just doesnt look to veteran of a move if you ask me,

if you don't find it useful, don't do it.

how long you gonna cry about this?

you asked a question and i gave you an HONEST answer. you want me to make up some bullshit about some "secret mix" i use. there simply isn't one.

i am not here to be a hero. do whatever you want.


Well-Known Member
ok, dude, here we go again with assumptions! pretty fucking stupid when people assume things... im just stating what is wrong with some of fdd statements... that he is giving growing info, what type of growing info is using cat poop...

start a thread of cat poop soil amending and lets see how many people stop by with expert advice and show all their grow journal success using cat poop..

If you weren't such a noob you would know that in the right proportions cat crap is a valid soil amendment, you might want to change your cats diet to somthing more organic but thats your choice, horse crap and silage containing pigs crap and chicken crap are also valid amendments.

Everyone on this site recomends that noobs research their own problems and setup not just go on what someone says!

You wana talk cat crap soil amending please start a thread and pm me so i can give you all the details you seem not to have researched. Should i call you a fool or just let you wallow in your own ignorance?? Seriously stop digging cause you seem to know nothing about soil amendments.

Often where my cat craps in the garden the following season that patch grows the best veg! Now do one with the cat crap or do your own research! Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
but you were my hero fdd, i looked up to your grows and then you freakn told me cat poop!

and no im not over it because you are a veteran at growing and you knowingly know that cat poop wont work, but you still put it out there...

just doesnt look to veteran of a move if you ask me,

Seems like Cat Poop would be "The Shit" lol.Alot like Guano I bet.


Well-Known Member
I dont see why cat poo wont work, anything biodegradable will give some nutrient value to the soil!

Anyway my plants are looking good, i am stripping the budsites of the bottom growth but leaving the fan leaves till nearer the end of the grow, i might still need them yet!lol! I am slowly working towards doing this to smaller plants in an effort to direct their growth. I am lst'ing the tops sideways to get more bud and keep them shorter. I seem to be getting a lot bigger buds from the budsites left but the rest of the plant is barren. This is encouraging me to flower earlier at the moment so there is less lower growth to trim. Peace