fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member
well I am having my first bongsmilie of the day... thought I would drop by and say hi FDD, how are you? Your plants are gorgeous as usual... I would love to bongsmilie with you sometime.... maybe kick it on the beach or somethin...


Well-Known Member
these are "popcorn" buds just getting started. :shock: :shock:

sorry for the blurry pics. i'll do better. IMG_9043.jpg IMG_9045.jpg IMG_9046.jpg

this is a leaf that fell over my tomato cage. :peace: IMG_9039.jpg


Well-Known Member
fdd, i have a question about your plants and the way they get their nutrients.
it seems that a plant that goes to basically all branch from the bottom would deliver its good stuff from the roots to the tips less efficiently than a plant with a main stalk, then to smaller branches.
i am going off of other gardening i do, so i might have a flawed concept of what is actually happening.
what do you think?


Well-Known Member
fdd, i have a question about your plants and the way they get their nutrients.
it seems that a plant that goes to basically all branch from the bottom would deliver its good stuff from the roots to the tips less efficiently than a plant with a main stalk, then to smaller branches.
i am going off of other gardening i do, so i might have a flawed concept of what is actually happening.
what do you think?
i think a plant knows how to take care of itself. millions of years of evolution have taught it what it needs to survive. i think if long spindly branches were less efficient then it wouldn't grow that way. i do my best to supply them with the good soil and plenty of food. from there it's on them. :weed:


Well-Known Member
oky doke
of course the plant will adapt, so does a three legged dog
i think your plants are great, it is just that i wish you left one untouched.

oh well, i wish i had a long season:?


Well-Known Member
oky doke
of course the plant will adapt, so does a three legged dog
i think your plants are great, it is just that i wish you left one untouched.

oh well, i wish i had a long season:?
what do you mean by "untouched"? i have a lot of them that i haven't touched. the ones i did touch i trimmed off dead or dying growth or growth that wasn't producing. what do you want to see? i have one somewhere. :weed:


Well-Known Member
NICE I like that statement.
It seems to me that you are indeed testing out many different ways of "doing it" in search of your best results; am I correct?
i have a vertical scrog that is turning out perfect. i really like it. i'll get pics of everything in the morning. :weed:


Well-Known Member
i want to see if a not just untrimmed, but untrained or topped... ect plant.
do you have that?
and thanks for the replies

untopped, untrained, untrimmed, ................ IMG_8972.jpg

the centers die off. the canopy is so thick that no sunlight gets thru and everything in the center dies off. then i go in and trim it. i have not trimmed this on at all. no topping or training. it was a cutting from the plant next to it. i got it to root then stuck it in the ground. i put a tomato cage around it but did not top, trim or train it. :weed: