all week last week. it's cooled off to the 80's this week.I also heard Northern Cal is getting temps up to 102. Is this true?
send some temps up here plz,,this mornin it was 3 celsius,,todays high was ,,,,,not very high,,,lol,,but 80's sounds pretty good for spring fdd,,,hey I'm choppin my girls tonight,,hope ya can pop in later,,taker easy manall week last week. it's cooled off to the 80's this week.![]()
can i have a look toosend some temps up here plz,,this mornin it was 3 celsius,,todays high was ,,,,,not very high,,,lol,,but 80's sounds pretty good for spring fdd,,,hey I'm choppin my girls tonight,,hope ya can pop in later,,taker easy man
Keep on Growin
seems everyone has and encounter with opossum at some pointOriginally posted by TheGardenMan
Damn that would be cool. I remember when i was younger, about 14-15 i was at the store with my parents and i was sitting in the car waiting for them and a possum just jumped into the car and onto my lap. Than 1 second later some wierd kid (obviously the owner) came up and snagged his pet lol. His possum even had a collar and shit on. It was pretty neat but scared the shit out of me.
That's comical
Ive noticed my plants are slowly slowly sloooooWwwly starting to vegg again, I think i flowered them to long before i set them outside.![]()
3 weeks ago. I flowered the plant im talking about for 2 weeks then decided to put her outdoors for sunlight. But i was wondering why the plants just getting more bud instead of revegging ??when did you put them out
how many hours of sun are they getting right now? 15?
so 15 hours light doesnt the plant stay vegging?