fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member
I am the unabomber ... making bombs out of toothpicks and glue. I put them in the mail, and I send them to you ...

that sprayer's pretty damn nice.


Well-Known Member
arent those things going to double at least during flowering?
seems like they are 7 feet tall already.........lol.........good luck........
im topping mine today to get ready for the flowering stretch.......


New Member
Nice bright yellow tent like anyone thinking about jumping the fence will not see that and run for the hills. Also I have the same spryer but was thinking you feed the plants at the root? Thanks Jeff


Well-Known Member
So, how's your back doing with that lawn as a mattress? Last time I went camping I needed an Aerobed. :oops: I totally dig tiki torches, but am also a little dangerous with fire.

And ashes. I just had an accident with ashes from the chimenea. It was a bright idea that went terribly, horribly wrong. :lol:


Well-Known Member
So, how's your back doing with that lawn as a mattress? Last time I went camping I needed an Aerobed. :oops: I totally dig tiki torches, but am also a little dangerous with fire.

And ashes. I just had an accident with ashes from the chimenea. It was a bright idea that went terribly, horribly wrong. :lol:

i have a queen sized air mattress in there. :mrgreen: IMG_8508.jpg


New Member
Can I rent out the tent? I know of large grows that pay people to camp them, I know people that would pay you to camp yours. lol

Im glad to see that all is well in the land of faded and the trees are doing well. Your like willy wonka with those mofos bro


Well-Known Member
3/4 inch bird netting and an improvised crochet hook. it's time consuming but i'm pretty sure it will work. :mrgreen::blsmoke:
Use a very similar screen material, only difference I see is mine are rectangular holes and yours are square but the gauge looks about the same. Works amazing, gl with it.
