fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member
my point was do u get enough rain?
i would guess u dont get the necessary 1 inch of water per week
ive been using my rain water from the house lately and i have a well so i have not had to use city water and of course except the electricity for the pump so its pretty cheap :)

i'm watering every 2 - 3 days now. feed, water, feed, water ........ well water and metanaturals 16-0-0. :hump::blsmoke:


New Member
whats 16-0-0?
the levels of nutrients in the nutes hes using.:mrgreen:
the first number is nitrogen levels
the second number is phoseperos
and the third number is trace nutrients of some sort (I dont remember as my foods never have a number there)


Active Member
what do Nitrogen phoseperos and Potasium do specifically for the plant?

i'm thinking about coppin one of those Bubbleponics Hydro kits. (do some indoor growing on the offseason)
what are some differnces between dro and ingrown in turns of ratios.

example: Hight X Hight
Yield X Yield
Potency X Potency
Aroma X Aroma


New Member
what do Nitrogen phoseperos and Potasium do specifically for the plant?

i'm thinking about coppin one of those Bubbleponics Hydro kits. (do some indoor growing on the offseason)
what are some differnces between dro and ingrown in turns of ratios.

example: Hight X Hight
Yield X Yield
Potency X Potency
Aroma X Aroma

i suggest you make a new thread before god gets pissed @ you for asking noobie stuff in his thread.

But to sum it all up easy, there is no difference because those are not real strains, those are street names that people give to bud that they like.

I can tell that You dont know much @ all about the weed growing subject in generall but everyone has to start somewhere so Ill point you in the best place to start. This GrowFAQ has everything you will ever need to know about growing weed that you thought you already knew:mrgreen:
Hope it helps, pm me if it dosent


Well-Known Member
mine were getting that nice till i had to top them again........sucks only having 6 feet tall to work with........better than an indoor grow
im keeping mine at about 4 foot tall until i see some preflowers then ill let them go...........its getting kinda exciting to check for sex in my bagseed plants....at the 12 node and they are really close to showing


New Member
i'm gonna start feeding every watering for a while and see what happens. :blsmoke:
plants get bigger and healthier. Other than that, I hope nothing happens to ya plants:mrgreen:

mine were getting that nice till i had to top them again........sucks only having 6 feet tall to work with........better than an indoor grow
im keeping mine at about 4 foot tall until i see some preflowers then ill let them go...........its getting kinda exciting to check for sex in my bagseed plants....at the 12 node and they are really close to showing
sounds cool dago cept for the height problems. Hope the sex soon for ya.


Well-Known Member
FDD IS USING PLANT ROIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lmap, j/k bro. Excellent plants. But, may i ask why there all so droopy looking?


Well-Known Member
this may sound stupid, but it LOOKS like he just watered... maybe when the leaves uptake that water. they fill up with water and get heavier?? lol who knows... FDD does!!!


Well-Known Member
this thread makes me wish i started in FEB.... and could grow in my back yard.. ha but im still loving it also