Well-Known Member
Here's my symptoms,Specifically what type of pain do you feel and precdisely where is it? There are often things having absolutely nothing to do with your spine that create back pain you can mistake as spinal. For example kidney infection can cause severe back pain and it's often non specific enough that you can't tell if it's in the spine, or in the muscle next to it, or lungs, or organs.
Does you pain level change day to day for no apparent reason?
Do you truly have other fibro symptoms? Random stabbing/burning pains for absolutely no reason like a charlie horse with no visible sign the muscle is cramping or doing anytying. Pains in completely random areas of your body that can't be explained otherwise. Toothaches, jaw pain, teeth grinding, jaw can feel locked up, name every single symptom you have felt pain wise or otherwise, even things like IBS, and if it coincides with physical activity that makes it worse afterwords or better afterwards or if easting a fat or heavy meal gives pain or not eating at all relieves pain...
Dude I have been there and done that all, I have what they think is fibro and every other back problem under the sun, and on top of that I also had kidney problems but couldn't tell cause I was so used to having back pain and so used to ramdom pain I didn't even know when my system was failing.
chronic reacurring back pain from t1 -t9 mri results show increased shmoral node space/ wedgeing of the vertabrate T1-9 my ortho and pain doc says derangment and non spacific back pain, but it think that itd be helpfull to him if he'd look at the mri films.
most of the time the pain is a dull/sick feeling that seems to increase with activity.everyday i have a new pain weather it be a nee or the lower back, sometimes a sholder most times right side. constant stomach irritation from meds and spikes of pain. ive had blood work done with no findings kidney, gul bladder functions ok. actully it was one of my first thoughts ( former paramedic) most days its a fight to get out of bed, disrupted sleep and trouble sleeping. ive been to physacal theropy 5 times for the same thig and no resaults just increased pain.
i mentioned fibro to my family doc , from reaserch ive done on my own i have all 18 trigger points plus and he was willing to put me on the meds for fibro with out much fight, but i declined and told him id rather find out the cause of the problem and treat that. if there is no other explanation then we would go threw that theropy. im willing to fight this but dam do i have to be in pain for the rest of my life i just need some releif two days a week would be nice and releif permanate grand. oh and also i have ibs and tmj unexpalined teeth problems and unexplained foot cramps.