Feds raid Oaksterdam University - cannabis persecution Obama's highest priority


Well-Known Member
Does Oaksterdam University teach with actual cannabis plants?
They do/did.

This represents enforcement of plant limits.

Friends.. I know reading my arguments have been met with resistance in many instances but until we all put the money down and get to gether to completely legalize as a start we face the reality that all we have done since 2010 is kill off eachother.

We need to drop the decriminalization, make the next ballot initiative in California simple legalization and let happen what will happen.

We know that we get more laws that limit any freedom we vote it in so we shouldn't compramise before we legalize.

We should swing wide the gate and completely legalize. Forget the money! Cannabis-Freedom!

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Just as many have suspected. The right to real representation of by and for the people means nothing to the Obama administration. People being murdered takes a back seat to a weed bust. Well now we can see where the priorities are. Losers


Well-Known Member
More BS from the dam revenuers. In a civil society, an agent or two from the feds would go oaksterdam and tell them they have gone over board. You have 48 hours to cease operations and get rid of your plants.
See you in two days

It is almost as bad as entrapment where officers of the law entice you to commit crimes, even small offenses can get you killed.
Ask Randy Weaver. Feds shot his wife while she was holding a baby and shot his 6 year old son in the back.


Ursus marijanus
Involving IRS = shit just got REAL real.
I consider it even-chance likely that within a few years, every med state's MMJ infrastructure will have been broken on the wheel Anslinger forged. cn


Well-Known Member
All the money and time spent when it never would have gone this far if ONE *&%%$##X AGENT had walked up to the front door a year ago and told them to stop.

I love me some goverment protecting us from the evil oaksters


Well-Known Member
More BS from the dam revenuers. In a civil society, an agent or two from the feds would go oaksterdam and tell them they have gone over board. You have 48 hours to cease operations and get rid of your plants.
See you in two days

It is almost as bad as entrapment where officers of the law entice you to commit crimes, even small offenses can get you killed.
Ask Randy Weaver. Feds shot his wife while she was holding a baby and shot his 6 year old son in the back.
This is not about the mj or plants.. this is about the Taxes & $$.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
More BS from the dam revenuers. In a civil society, an agent or two from the feds would go oaksterdam and tell them they have gone over board. You have 48 hours to cease operations and get rid of your plants.
See you in two days

It is almost as bad as entrapment where officers of the law entice you to commit crimes, even small offenses can get you killed.
Ask Randy Weaver. Feds shot his wife while she was holding a baby and shot his 6 year old son in the back.
Not many remember Randy Weaver and his family that were attacked in their cabin, Bob. They would all have been murdered by the marshals had they not been stopped. That was a set up from the get go. They tried to get him to saw the barrel off a shotgun and he refused, then they planned to massacre him and his family. Nice bunch those feds.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Involving IRS = shit just got REAL real.
I consider it even-chance likely that within a few years, every med state's MMJ infrastructure will have been broken on the wheel Anslinger forged. cn
I have been waiting for the tax issues from money generated selling federally illegal wicked mmj. Surprised it took this long. Would have repped ya if it let me.


Well-Known Member
Not many remember Randy Weaver and his family that were attacked in their cabin, Bob. They would all have been murdered by the marshals had they not been stopped. That was a set up from the get go. They tried to get him to saw the barrel off a shotgun and he refused, then they planned to massacre him and his family. Nice bunch those feds.
We have mostly forgotten about Waco as well. Feds were told Koresh comes to town every weekend and that is the best place to talk to him or arrest him.

But the feds are smarter then that so they burned 76 people to death including more than 20 children, two pregnant women, 24 british nationals and the leader David Koresh after losing a few of Clintons ex bodyguards to bullet holes


Well-Known Member

"U.S. attorneys have a message for California's medical marijuana advocates: Don't blame Barack Obama.After it was announced that the crackdown on medical pot establishments in the Golden State was a collective decision by the four U.S. attorneys in California and not the result of any directive from Washington, spokeswoman Lauren Horwood emphasized that the administration never even green-lighted the ramped-up enforcement actions."

Why do you guys think the actions of the IRS,DEA etc are under direct daily direction of the President?
The departments themselves have their own agendas, its not necessarily from the White House.


Ursus marijanus

"U.S. attorneys have a message for California's medical marijuana advocates: Don't blame Barack Obama.After it was announced that the crackdown on medical pot establishments in the Golden State was a collective decision by the four U.S. attorneys in California and not the result of any directive from Washington, spokeswoman Lauren Horwood emphasized that the administration never even green-lighted the ramped-up enforcement actions."

Why do you guys think the actions of the IRS,DEA etc are under direct daily direction of the President?
The departments themselves have their own agendas, its not necessarily from the White House.
With authority comes responsibility. Truman understood that. cn


Well-Known Member
Thats right. Dont blame Barry for anything bad. He is responsible for all the good. Besides its probaly Bushs fault.


Well-Known Member
^^^ Exactly. All those Assholes were promoted to there DEA positions durring bushes presidency. Blame Bush for allowing these assholes to be hired !


Well-Known Member
With authority comes responsibility. Truman understood that. cn
True but Truman seemed to always be on the low end of popularity with a few high points and basically just barely winning Reelection. He was also dealing with reconstructing Europe and other post war policies not pot laws. lol


Well-Known Member
^^^ Exactly. All those Assholes were promoted to there DEA positions durring bushes presidency. Blame Bush for allowing these assholes to be hired !
The DEA was formed under Executive Order, it's operations can be directed by the President. Obama sits on his hands whilst people like you and me get fucked, he may aswell be fucking you himself.


Well-Known Member
Meh I doubt there is a lot of real transparency within the DEA itself. It has gotten too big and now is trying to do whats best for itself. The president usually doesn't get the full story when it comes to these multiple departments. Its happened to a ton of presidents.

Remember its the IRS that is truly behind this. They are the ones almost commandeering the other departments to enforce Nixon era drug laws about companies trying to file for non profit status.