feed 10 times a day, speed up growing?


Active Member
the guy at my local hydro store reckons instead of flooding a table which you would 3 times a day for 15 min, do it 10 times a day for 2 minutes. Says it speed up the metabolism.

Anyone done this or reckons it works?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like B.S. to me, but try it. The only way I know to speed up a plant growing is the light and light cycles. And even with that it will effect the quality of the buds and the total yield. Just stick with the tried and true methods and the the plant grow normally, you'll be thankful in the end. IMHO


stays relevant.
Go back to the hydro store telling him that his advice cost you an entire flowering crop, and he should burn in hell.

Who knows, maybe you'll get some discounts. (Unless he reads this forum LOL)


Well-Known Member
What horrible advice. This is from a hydro shop?

If you are growing in rockwool it's likely all that would do is promote algae and root rot. If you want faster growth you'd have to go aeroponic. Besides that it takes time to both flood and drain and I bet you can't do either in anywhere near 2 minutes.


Active Member
yeah it was from a hydro shop guy. I even told him that i WAS using rockwool cubes with hydroton. Thanks for all the input guys, i probably would have given it ago if not for all the replys.