Feed too Lockout Then Flush Grow!

The best advice I ever got was when I went to the local hydro/micro brew store and I was laughing at the rows and rows of bottled nutes, when the employee came up, I jokingly asked him how do you decide which bottle is the real miracle. He laughed and actually recommending not using any bottled nutes and trying their vortexed compost tea. Was the one and only times I felt like an employee gave the correct advice, granted their compost tea program was 5 1-gallon feeds for $20 at the time. Still the cost of a single bottle of nutrients...

However a nice contrast to the typical response of well you just need these 5 nutrients from this company, plus these 2 from another, and don’t forget none of that works unless you spend $20-$30 on a gallon bag of super nutrient organic soil.... wait I need more nutrients than what’s in that “super nutrient” soil? Well I mean you could get that $15 bag of soil, but then you’ll also need these 3 bottles. And maybe a bag of bat guano to have good results. Oh yeah and you probably don’t have good water where you live, so you just need this PH kit plus a digital PH pen, the $20 pen doesn’t work great, so you’ll need the $100-$200 pen. Well what if i want great results? Well that’s a completely different story.... ::face palm::

Did I cover everything? you probably shouldn’t be shopping here if you want great results....