Feedback wanted on next years grow plans


I normally grow a couple of plants each summer near the house which concerns the wife. I located a small clearing on our property between a stream and the property line that looks like it would be ideal to grow 8 to 10 plants.I grew a couple of Berry Auto's this year and am very pleased with the results and this will be the bulk of what I plant next season. There are trees on both sides of the clearing that run east/west and clearing would only be visible from the air.

If I plant against the trees on the north side of the clearing they should get 10-12 hours of direct sun. Due to the proximity of the stream the soil stays moist but not wet.

I can get to the clearing from the neighboring woods (property is not occupied) and my thought is that if the grow would be spotted since it is not visible from the house and about 400 yards away I should have a good case of plausible deniability.

I just cut back the weeds in the area and started digging holes that I will fill with my soil mix so that next spring I can put in the plants with a minimum of disturbance to the area. Required care next season should be limited to occasional fertilizer and cutting back any weeds that start blocking the sun from the plants.
Anyone see any issues with my plans or have any additional ideas to consider?


Well-Known Member
One thought...have you observed your spot from a stealth location to see if there is any foot/bike/etc traffic through there? That might be a good place to start if you haven't already.


Thanks socaljoe and good point.

No there are no signs of walking or ATV traffic. There is however a lot of deer traffic through the area, it looks like they were using it as a bedding area. I will start trying to get them to go elsewhere