Feeding Schedule for Flower


Can someone help me out with some ideas for feeding during flowering? I use Fox Farm nutrients. Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom and a very little bit of Grow Big for some extra nitrogen. I've been inconsistent at best because I really don't know what I'm doing. I had a close call last time I gave them a feeding so I'm really sketchy on what I'm doing. Luckily after a good flush they seem to have recovered very well but any thoughts on how much, how often and when to feed them and when to give them just water? Any suggestions are appreciated.
Can someone help me out with some ideas for feeding during flowering? I use Fox Farm nutrients. Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom and a very little bit of Grow Big for some extra nitrogen. I've been inconsistent at best because I really don't know what I'm doing. I had a close call last time I gave them a feeding so I'm really sketchy on what I'm doing. Luckily after a good flush they seem to have recovered very well but any thoughts on how much, how often and when to feed them and when to give them just water? Any suggestions are appreciated.

Go to Fox Farms website they have a feeding schedule
Grow big is microbes, bat guano etc. --2--teaspoon per gallon
Big Bloom is for flower it is high in N --2--teaspoon per gallon
Tiger Bloom is for Flower it's high in P and K and low in N. --2 --teaspoon per gallon

I feed going up and down the #s.
200-400 first month in veg
300-600 2nd month in veg
flower 700-900- lower second half if needed to 500-250 to end.
(you don't need grow big in last feed, should be enough microbes)
i use FF Hydro, are you using hydro or soil?
PH Must be correct for nute. Uptake.
2 Tbspn BigBloom and 1 Tbspn TigerBloom to 1 gallon of water every other time you water. No need to add GrowBig during the bloom cycle unless you have a serious N deficiency. I started with this mix and slowly adjusted it. I use Molasses as a bloom booster for weeks 6-8 then flush and give them straight water the last 2 weeks. works WELL for me. This is in SOIL (pro-mix bx).
Molasses is the bomb. It feeds the beneficial bacteria in the soil thus allowing better nutrient absorption by the roots and provides micro-nutrients that the plant needs in its final stage. Boil 1 gallon of water remove from flame add 1 Tbspn of Molasses(pure unsulphured blackstrap(I use Slow-As brand)). If using a hydro system use Sweet or a similar product, as molasses will clog your shit up real good.