Feel so sorry for this dude.. :(


Active Member
its because their sense of smell has become immune to the stench and it is now just 'normal'
As gross as this may sound, i live with a guy who smells of a mix of stilton and stale tobacco smoke, he's depressed, never washes/changes clothes, talks, does any chores, or opens the window in his room. Everytime he opens his door to use the toilet he smokes in there too (window shut), there's a pungent odour which doesn't disperse for about an hour. Obviously he's oblivious to it, and point blankly refuses to shower.
In a way tho, that refreshing for me since i too will have a pungent odour eventually, and since the others in the house obviously care little about it. I've picked a good location here :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey. Thanks for all the tips people!
I left them a note yesterday reccomending a Charcoal filter!
And for the person who said I was lying? Why would I waste my time? =)
now just wait and see if the smell goes away. haha.

i guess if they werent growing weed and they just smell like weed then they'll probably be like "uhhh..." which would still be kind of funny!