Those should make some nice little nuggletts with great bag appeal for sure. You finishing in 2 wks?nuggs are lookin great fdd keep it up just checkin in
I am pretty sure that that would be illegal...even for a mod!
buying, selling, trading, giving away, .... of seeds is strictly prohibited between forum members. it will get you banned. please take this away from my journal now, PLEASE. thank you.Seeds illegal in the U.S ? here in sweden its ok to sell them as luxurious birdseeds or just havin' for storage/showing off. tho they dont want u to own seeds if u own growing equipment, kinda puts the pieces together ^^
won't happen again, had no idea about those rules..sorrybuying, selling, trading, giving away, .... of seeds is strictly prohibited between forum members. it will get you banned. please take this away from my journal now, PLEASE. thank you.![]()
i can smell it coming out of the windows from outside. i have had scissors in my hand for 3 nights now but have been able to stop[ myself. there are 5 of them that will finish a week ahead of the others. which is any day now. i try not to look at them much, as to yield me from temptation.![]()
oh i know that feeling way to well...its like u wanna sit with your plants with a pair of scissors until they are done, get some magasines, a nice chair and some snacks and wait them out...might be why i always take some down 1 week too early
keep up the good work =)!
Hey fdd just started reading your journal from the begining..have you ever tried milk for the powdery mildew or are you against sprays? I'm fully organic and find that its the best for powdery its cheap..not tryin to tell you what to do just askin what your experience was if you tried iti have never had an indoor grown that did not have powdery mildew, except the last one.![]()
the burner comes on for 1 hour during the dark cycle. it takes the burner half that time just to warm up. the exhaust fan stays ON while i'm burning. i get no residual build-up and i see no traces of mildew.
hi2u spellingpolicemagasines........................And I thought my spelling was bad.
aww shit looks like FDDs at it again!!spent the day at the lake on the seadoo.![]()
hi2u spellingpolicetake into account english is my secondary languish, had been up for 36 hours+ and a bit baked, kinda proud of somewhat making myself understood.. have a good day sir.
On top of all that, sorry for a meaningless post for u others but a man must defend his honor ^^