First time growing after reading so many post all over this site has bn awesome.i started with 3 but after reading and trying to work out if I had males or females I found I had two males coz they went to I was left with one baby.haha.i think I've done well so far and advice or tips welcome...I'm thinking leave it till the end of the month?I Put them in the bigger pots at the start of december.dont have any info of rookies as lol.
As well you should be! What are the details of your grow? She looks pretty good.
IMHO you've got a solid month or more to go. Hard to say with knowing what kind she is. Knowledge comes with experience.
Looks like you're off to a good start.
Hmm really new to this I didn't think that...I put it there thinking that's wea it would get the sun first in the morning and most of the day.thanks for pointing that out.
As well you should be! What are the details of your grow? She looks pretty good.
IMHO you've got a solid month or more to go. Hard to say with knowing what kind she is. Knowledge comes with experience.
Looks like you're off to a good start.
Soo umm details of my grow please bare with me if this sounds weird or doesn't make sense.they started off in litle pots I put that one into its big one at the end of November.when I put it in the pot I mixed top soil with my own compost with the hopes of having richer and pretty give it a litre and half of water every 3rd day during mid December started mixing homemade fertilizer that I was using on my veggies putting it on them as well but I've been mainly keeping it in sun and jus watching the whole process of how they grow and stages they go I am hoping with watching these ones I will gain knowledge so that next ones I do I have an idea of wat to expect.thanks for replying and yip will wait a another month...experience right
Looks like you are doing good. It is very smart that you are doing your 1st grow more to learn and practice then worrying about too much too soon. The one piece of advice I offer is be sure that if your organic mix needs to be cooked (aged) that you give it the time needed. Most recipes I have seen that need to be cooked go from 1 to 2 months although 1 month seems to be the most common.
The biggest problem most new growers face at the beginning is the patience required and doing the research. Your on the right path. Just for knowing; powdery mildew and many other leaf pathogens are spread by splashing water including rain drops. The water drops hit the infected leaves and some of it bounces onto the next leave and that is how it spreads.
This is why you should not put a healthy plant next to an infected one even if it is a different kind of plant.
I am not so sure that is powdery mildew on the Rhododendron though. The edges on the circular patterns seem too well defined whereas PM has more of a difussed "fuzzy" edge before it eventually blankets the leaf.